Synovia Site (

  • Fixed an issue that wasn't displaying property changes made and saved on the Vehicle Properties screen (accessed by clicking the Vehicle Properties button at the top right of System Administration >> Vehicles) on the Add/Edit Vehicle page until the user refreshed their screen.
  • Fixed a bug on the Assign Vehicles for Group screen that was causing Synovia to error out if a user assigned a vehicle to the group, selected the Primary check box (to set it as the vehicle’s primary group), and then saved.


  • On the MDT, added inspection forms as an entity that is automatically synced during the diagnostic wakeup period.
  • Fixed an issue that showed the incorrect group order in the published inspection form if a user added a new group to the template and then reordered the groups.
  • Fixed a bug that wasn’t matching items on inspection forms to the most recent item updates a user made and published.

Student Ridership

  • Fixed an issue that was producing the "Failed to Load Results" error for the Scan History Daily Details by Vehicle report.

Time and Attendance (in the Synovia Interface)

  • For customers using a Generic export who are exporting and/or importing from an external FTP server, added a Test Connection button to Export Time’s Scheduling tab that will enable users to test Synovia’s ability to connect to their external FTP server using the entered credentials.
  • For HCTB customers using activities, added the ability to open the activity edit screen from the time card. (Note that this includes validation that will prevent a running activity from being changed.)
  • For export setups that are able to map their own fields, fixed a bug that would make the Scheduling and Scheduled Export History tabs disappear if a user saved a change on the Export Mapping tab (although they would reappear if the screen was refreshed).
  • For customers using a Generic export (and the applicable settings), on the Export Time tab Export Mapping, fixed a bug that would make the grid disappear if the user added a field, left the tab without saving, and returned to it.

Mobile Data Terminals (version 2021.05)

  • Added a Conversations option to the Messages screen that will include both Inbox and Outbox messages. When drivers view a conversation, they will see both messages from dispatch and their responses in one historical thread.
  • On Synovia's Hardware screen, added a new column Last Route Sync, which will show the date and time the MDTs last synced their routes.
  • Added inspection forms as an entity that is automatically synced during the MDT diagnostic wakeup period.
  • For consortium customers, changed the MDT Select Customer screen to show only customer options that contain routes.
  • In Synovia, fixed a user interface issue on the Compose Message screen (overlapping text on the High Priority toggle).
  • In Synovia, fixed an issue with the Outbox that wasn’t showing all the messages sent to the drivers (if the user used a canned message).

Synovia JSON API

  • Updated what methods are available on a customer-by-customer basis, according to individual needs.
  • Added a vehicle/updateOdometer method with parameters vehicleId, odometerValue, and odometerUnits that will update the odometer value in the Synovia database for the specified vehicle.
  • Added the odometer value to the vehicle/details response, which will appear after the ESN and in the unit of measurement set at the customer level (miles or kilometers).
  • Fixed a bug that wasn’t writing all the vehicle properties to the database when a new vehicle was created via the API.
  • Fixed an issue that wasn’t returning the ESN in response to an update vehicle call.
  • Fixed issue that was returning the error "vehicle with name XYZ already exists" in response to vehicle/createupdate (when using it to update an existing vehicle).