Department groups in Time and Attendance (TAA) determine what employee records your TAA users can view and change. They are broader than your actual departments (your divisions based on your organization's structure) because your users will generally need to see the data for employees from more than one department. For example, if you have a supervisor over your mechanics, you can set up a department group that includes only the mechanics and assign it to that supervisor; he or she would be able to see only the mechanics' employee data in TAA, and when the supervisor runs a report, it will include only the mechanics' work hours. Your actual departments might be based on your fleets, such as Fleet 1 - Drivers, Fleet 1 - Mechanics, Fleet 1 - Aides, and so on, and each fleet could include a Fleet X - Mechanics department. The department group for the mechanics supervisor named Mechanics would contain the Fleet 1 - Mechanics, Fleet 2 - Mechanics, Fleet 3 - Mechanics, and so on departments.
Note: For more information about the difference between departments and department groups, see the section "What Is the Difference Between a Department and a Department Group?" in An Introduction to Departments.
To add a new department group, follow these steps:
- Click
>> Departments.
The Departments screen will appear.
- At the top right of the screen, click
The Department Groups screen will be displayed.
- Click
at the top right.
The Add New Department Group pane will appear on the right.
- In the Department Group Name field, type the name of the new department group, such as Mechanics.
- In the Out of Group grid on the right, select the check boxes of the departments to assign to the new department group (such as all the Fleet 1 - Mechanics, Fleet 2 - Mechanics, and so on divisions).
- Click
The departments you selected will appear in the In Group list.
Note: If you need to remove departments you added, select their check boxes in the In Group grid and click.
- Click
at the top right of the Add New Department Group pane.
A success message will appear, and your new department group will appear in the Department Groups pane.