Inspections/Synovia Site (

  • For the Synovia Vehicle Inspection reports, modified the Form filter on the parameters screen to be a tree structure. Now, the root level shows the template names (which users can select to get results for all the forms published in the specified date range), and users can expand a template in the tree to see all of its forms listed by date (as they previously appeared), if they want to select an individual form.
  • For the Synovia Vehicle Inspection reports, changed the Select Drivers filter on the parameters screen to "Drivers and Users" so that both can be included in the results (to accommodate customers who have Synovia app users who aren't drivers perform inspections as well).
  • Removed the Inspection Performed column from the results for the Synovia Vehicle Inspection Summary report (which had values of Yes and No) and improved the accuracy of the count for the Items Passed and Items Failed columns.

Time and Attendance

  • Added the On Time, Overtime, Hours Summary, Holiday, and Vehicle TD-28 reports to the Synovia interface.
  • Fixed issues with the TAA-in-Synovia report Employee Field Export, including now displaying employee names in the order last name, first name; applying a default sort by last name; and correcting the format of an Excel export.
  • Fixed an issue with the TAA-in-Synovia reports that would return no results if the user didn't select any employees, even though the parameter screen states, "If you don't select any employees, the report will run using ALL employees," over the employee tree. The reports now correctly return results for all employees if the user selects none.
  • In Synovia, fixed the arrangement of the Save and Cancel buttons in the Quick Edit dialog box, plus that of the Delete and Cancel buttons in the Single Shift Delete dialog box, moving the Cancel button to the left side. (These dialog boxes are accessed by clicking the shift on the Time Cards screen and then selecting either the Quick Edit or Delete icon.)