Synovia Site (
- Improved the performance of some reports by fixing an issue that was duplicating filtering on the back end.
- Improved the process of bulk loading student data, allowing for files with only the required four fields (first_name, last_name, card_id, and student_id) filled in, validating the latitude/longitude format (if the latitude and longitude values are included), and allowing for files with and without headers.
Synovia App
- Fixed a bug that wasn't reporting the vehicle for shifts added via the app.
- Added validation for item creation that necessitates the selection of Is Required if Not Driveable is included as a Severity option.
- Fixed an issue that wasn't allowing large numbers to be saved for numeric items.
- Fixed an issue on the System Administration >> Inspection Setup screen that was incorrectly reporting the count for the # of Items column if items had been deleted manually.
Time and Attendance
- Added the Vehicle Use report to the Synovia interface.
- On the Synovia Time Cards screen, added a right-click menu for absences with options for deleting and editing.
- On the Synovia TAA Core >> Import Employees screen's File Settings tab, added Primary Email Address as a key field for imports and mapping.
- On the Synovia TAA Core >> Import Employees screen, fixed a bug that would make the Map Employee Fields tab's grid disappear when the File Settings tab's First Row of Import File Has Column Names toggle was selected or deselected.
- Fixed an issue that wasn't allowing passwords to be reset due to broken Portal/MDT settings, defaulting to the employee ID in this case.
- Fixed a bug with the Synovia Time Cards edit screen that wasn't detecting the employee type assignment start date.
- Fixed a Work Monitor bug on the Check In and Absent tabs of the Check Driver In/Enter Absence dialog box that displayed a blank Job Type drop-down list when the All Job Types toggle was selected.