Synovia Site (

  • Fixed an issue with the Vehicle History screen that wasn't correctly reporting the distance traveled for vehicles that are equipped with LMU-3030s.

Time and Attendance

  • Fixed an issue for customers with TAA but not Comparative Analysis that wasn't showing the vehicle list on the Time Card and Schedule Master Template edit screens.

Here Comes the Bus

  • On the website, added activities data on the Map tab that will display "Activities tracked: Activity Name" at the top left of the screen (if an activity is assigned to the student). All the activities the account is tracking will be listed, separated by commas.
  • On the website, fixed how expired activities are handled – allowing them to be deleted, not allowing new notifications to be added for them, and not listing them as an activity that is being tracked.
  • On the website, fixed some UI bugs, such as an unnecessary scroll bar in the Confirm Delete Account dialog box and long activity names being displayed incorrectly.

Engine Diagnostics

  • In Synovia, fixed an issue that was inflating the Fuel Level Remaining value for some vehicles on the Engine Diagnostics >> OBDII - Light Duty screen.

Mobile Data Terminals/Student Ridership

  • Added a new method for storing whether a student scan was On or Off the bus (which will help with future COVID-19 contact tracing efforts).