The HCTB menu is available only if your organization has purchased both Comparative Analysis (CA) and Here Comes the Bus (HCTB). If you don't have these modules and would like to add them, contact your customer success manager (CSM).
On the HCTB Activities screen, you can set up special bus trips, such as field trips, competitions, and food drops, for your Here Comes the Bus account holders to track and choose to receive notifications about. In addition, you can officially start and end an activity run in lieu of having your drivers do so on mobile data terminals (MDTs).
This article describes the various features of the HCTB Activities screen, which you access by clicking >> Activities.
Note: For information about the banner at the top and accordion menu on the left, see Navigating the CalAmp K-12 Site.
These are the options at the top right of the screen:
: Starts the run of the selected activity, which you will do only at the time the driver is actually beginning the trip (and only if the driver doesn't start the activity on their own using an MDT). (See Starting and Ending an Activity for a Driver.)
Note: This works only for activities with default vehicles assigned. If you want to start an activity and specify a certain bus, use theicon in the grid. (See Starting and Ending an Activity for a Driver for details.)
: Begins the process of adding a new activity that your HCTB account holders can track and receive notifications for. (See Adding a HCTB Activity for details.)
: Begins the process of adding multiple activities to your CalAmp K-12 account — or updating existing ones. (See Bulk Loading Activities for details.)
: Refreshes the data on the screen (which can be especially useful if other users are making changes).
: These toggle between displaying all the activities in the list, including inactive ones (those that are outside their activity start and end date range — Show Inactive), and preventing inactive ones from being seen (Hide Inactive).
: Deletes the selected activity. (See Deleting a HCTB Activity for details.)
: Saves the grid data as a PDF you can print.
: Exports the grid data to an Excel spreadsheet.
Here is an explanation of the grid icons and column headers:
: Opens the Edit Activity screen, on which you can modify the activity's settings. (See Editing a HCTB Activity for details.)
: Starts the run of the activity for the driver on the vehicle you specify. (See Starting and Ending an Activity for a Driver for details.)
: Stops the run of the activity for the vehicle you specify. (See Starting and Ending an Activity for a Driver for details.)
- Name: The name of the activity, such as Food Drop.
- Category: The category the activity is assigned to, such as Band for a State Music Competition activity.
- Tags: Identifiers that define the activity by category or keyword, such as "orchestra" for an Orchestra Competition activity, that parents can search for when adding it via the HCTB website or app.
- Default Vehicles: If a bus (or multiple vehicles) has been assigned to run this activity, its name/number.
- Activity Start: The first day of this activity's date range (when it can be officially run and tracked via HCTB).
- Activity End: The last day of this activity's date range. If one isn't set, the activity can be run at any date going forward.
- Created Date: The date and time the activity was added to CalAmp K-12.
- Created By: The user who set up the activity.
- Last Modified Date: The date and time the activity's properties were last changed.
Along the bottom of the screen are icons that enable you to navigate through the pages of data, if needed. See Paging Options for an explanation of these.