Note: There is no release notes article for 2020.17 because its changes were only internal to Synovia — just behind-the-scenes fixes that make our software better!

Time and Attendance

  • Added a new report, Scheduled Time Card, that shows when an employee was scheduled to start and end a job instead of actual shift times that occurred according to their schedule (for customers who pay their employees based on schedules). Shifts that aren't part of a schedule (extra work) will be shown as actual punch times.
  • Fixed a bug that wouldn't allow position code mapping to be saved on the Map Positions tab of the Import Employees screen.

Here Comes the Bus

  • Rearranged the items on the website's My Account page, placing My Students, My Contacts, and Notification Language above Change Password and Delete Account.

Mobile Data Terminals

  • Added a new Defects screen that keeps track of open defects from failed inspection items for Pass/Fail types. When drivers are performing an inspection, failed items will be automatically added to the Defects list. The defects will remain open on the Defects screen until the driver marks them as passed. (Later, a feature will be added to Synovia so that mechanics can close them as well.)
  • Removed the Navigation announcements of "On the left" and "On the right" (which were often incorrect) when the vehicle approached a bus stop.