
  • Fixed an issue that was allowing a Silverlining user's password to be reset from Synovia's login page (using the Forgot Password option).

Synovia Site (

  • Added a new tile to the Hardware dashboard, Vehicles Without Peripheral, that displays the number of vehicles without a peripheral setup.
  • Fixed an issue with the Hardware dashboard's Peripherals Reporting tile that was including vehicles without peripherals in its estimation of the percentage of vehicles with reporting ones.
  • Fixed an issue with the Hardware dashboard's Peripheral Firmware tile that wasn't pulling its data from the correct source, so it wasn't displaying any information.
  • Fixed an issue that was allowing a Silverlining user's password to be reset from Synovia's login page (using the Forgot Password option).
  • Fixed an issue with sending scheduled reports via SFTP that would error out if any of the entered credentials were long.
  • Fixed a bug with the Schedule Report - Step 2 dialog box that kept the Schedule Report button inactive if the user chose the third radio button, Send Report via SFTP and Show in Scheduled Reports Screen, and then selected one of the other two options.
  • Fixed a bug with the Hardware screen's Vehicle column's filter, which wasn't showing all of a customer's vehicles.

Comparative Analysis – Synovia Site

  • Added the ability to manually add, edit, and delete student scans from the Planned vs. Actual by Stop screen, via the Stop Details dialog box (if there is a matched planned and actual stop). Note that the user must have edit privileges for the Rider History screen in order to be able to do this.

Here Comes the Bus

  • Fixed an issue with the HCTB Messaging screen of the Send Message button staying inactive after selecting some itineraries (and only becoming active when all the itineraries are chosen).
  • Fixed an issue with the HCTB Messaging screen's Schools list not appearing.