While using the Work Monitor in Synovia to make sure that every driver is covering their routes, you can manually clock employees in and out, if needed.
Note: The Work Monitor is available only if your organization has the TAA module, which enables you to track your employees' time, collecting data to help you manage clock-ins, work activities, time cards, absences, overtime, reports, and payroll integration. For more details about the Work Monitor, see Using the Work Monitor.
Clocking an Employee In
To clock a driver in, follow these steps:
- In Synovia, click
>> Work Monitor.
The Work Monitor will appear.
- Perform steps 2 to 7 in Using the Work Monitor to display the department containing the employee you want to clock in.
- Locate the driver's row, filtering by the column head if needed. (See Sorting and Filtering Column Data for details.)
- Right-click their row and select Check Driver In / Enter Absence.
The Manual Employee Entry dialog box will appear.
The Check In tab will already be selected.
- To use the current date and time for the clock-in time, leave the Punch In Date and Punch In Time fields as they are.
If for some reason you need to back-date the clock-in (such as for a shift that goes over midnight, and you need the check-in to be for the preceding day), use the Punch In Date calendar picker to choose a different day.
If you need the clock-in time to be different, such as if the driver began working ten minutes ago and just forgot to clock in, use the drop-down arrows for the Punch In Time fields and select the new time.
- Click the Job Type drop-down arrow and select the job type the driver is performing.
Note: Only TAA job types that are applicable to the driver's TAA employee type (as designated within TAA) will appear in the list. To expand the list to include all the job types set up by your organization, select All Job Types. (means selected, and
- If you know what vehicle the employee is driving, type its number (or part of it) in the Vehicle field and select it from the drop-down list that appears.
- If the job type has Allow Trip ID selected in TAA, you can enter the number in the RouteID field.
- Click Save.
A success message will appear at the top right of the screen, but the employee's row won't change to green (indicating a clocked-in driver) until the data is refreshed.
Note: You can refresh the screen immediately by clickingat the top right.
Clocking an Employee Out
To clock a driver out, follow these steps:
- In Synovia, click
>> Work Monitor.
The Work Monitor will appear.
- Perform steps 2 to 7 in Using the Work Monitor to display the department containing the employee you want to clock out.
- Locate the driver's row, filtering by the column head if needed. (See Sorting and Filtering Column Data for details.)
- Right-click their row and select Check Driver Out.
The Manual Employee Entry dialog box will appear.
Check Out will be the only tab, and the date and time the driver clocked in will be displayed.
- To use the current time for the clock-out time, leave the Punch Out Time fields as they are.
If you need the clock-out time to be different, such as if the driver finished their shift ten minutes ago and just forgot to clock out, use the drop-down arrows for the Punch Out Time fields and select the new time.
- Click Save.
A success message will appear at the top right of the screen, but the employee's row won't change to white (indicating a clocked-out driver) until the data is refreshed.
Note: You can refresh the screen immediately by clickingat the top right.