Synovia Site (
- Added a new pop-up window to call attention to high-priority alerts (an option for users who receive alerts, which they can choose in the Settings dialog box discussed in the following note).
- Added a Settings dialog box to the Alerts screen that will enable users to define how they are alerted, based on priority level (low, medium, or high), with options to just show the alert on the Alerts screen, flash the bell icon, play a chime, and display the new pop-up window.
- Changed the logo to the Synovia/CalAmp one, now that Synovia is part of CalAmp, in emails sent from the Synovia site (such as for a password reset).
- Fixed an issue with the Speeding reports that was returning timestamp results based on the home location of the customer, not the user (who may be in a different time zone).
- Fixed a bug on the Hardware screen that prevented the Details window from launching (when users clicked the Info icon for a vehicle).
- Fixed UI issues for several screens, such as extra whitespace and blank tabs.
- Fixed an issue with adding a new location that wasn't displaying the Back button on the Set Geofence screen.
- Fixed an issue that wasn't allowing users to view their current alerts (using the bell icon in the banner) even if their role had view rights to do so. (The system was erroneously expecting the user to have view rights to the Alert Admin screen as well.)
- Fixed the breadcrumb on the Alerts screen, accessed through the bell icon, to say "Alerts" instead of "Alert Admin."
Comparative Analysis – Synovia Site
- Added options to show only active tiers and at-risk routes to the Route Monitor's settings.
- On the Entity Mapping tab of the Mapping screen, added a Planned Routing ID column to the Planned Routing grid so that the route planning system's ID for a vehicle is listed as well as the customer's vehicle number.
- Improved the load time of the PvA by Stop screen.
- Fixed a bug on the PvA by Stop screen that wasn't displaying the Event History if a user selected just one route or tier; the history would only show all the itinerary's events.
- Fixed an issue with PvA that wasn't pulling and displaying the correct events for Event History.
- Fixed a bug with the Planned vs. Actual Stops Summary by Itinerary report that was preventing the child report from opening when users clicked an itinerary number.
- Fixed an issue that was producing an error when opening the Scan History and Student Ridership reports.
- For consortium customers, fixed an issue with the Mapping bulk load template download that wasn't showing just an operator's/district's itineraries in the list, but all the records for the customer.
Time and Attendance
- On the Shift Exceptions screen, added Delete as a right-click option to the Search Results grid so that users could remove a shift with an exception without having to load the employee's time card.
- On the View Schedules Edit screen, added the vehicle number as a preloaded value to the Vehicle drop-down of the Manage Shifts section.
- Added shifts and absences created in the Synovia Work Monitor to TAA's Audit Trail report.
- Added a new report, Contract Hours by Schedule by Day, that will show time worked split into the OC and OT job totals (plus regular work hours) for customers using the Contract Hours by Schedule by Day export.
Mobile Data Terminals
- In Synovia, for customers with Navigation, added columns to the Hardware screen to show more details about the maps on each MDT. (Because ALK Maps provides regionally specific maps, each device can have multiple map versions on it.) The Hardware screen now displays Latest Map Version and Latest Map Region values. In addition, there is a new Map Details tab in the Details window (launched from the Hardware screen's Info icon for a vehicle) that lists all map versions on the MDT.
- In Synovia, fixed a typo in the PDF generated when exporting the Mail screen's Outbox tab's data grid.