This article describes in detail what CalAmp K-12's most popular and most-often recommended reports do. The top 10 reports change from day to day, so the list may vary when you open the Reports screen from what is covered below in the first section. (In addition, the Reports screen shows you the top 10 reports for customers with your same modules.)

Our Customer Support specialists provided their suggestions for the most useful reports, which are explained in the second section below.

Note: For details on running a popular report, go to Running a Popular Report. To find steps on how to run any report, see Running a Report.

Be aware that your user role will need to have Can View privileges for each report you want to run. (If you need to be able to run a report you don't have privileges for, contact your organization's CalAmp K-12 administrator.)

Popular Reports

Currently, these are the ten reports all of CalAmp K-12's customers across-the-board run most often:

Report Name
Default Columns Included in Results
Use Cases
Speeding Daily Details by Vehicle
Lists the speeding events for each vehicle on each day of the specified date range, including the posted speed limit, the speed the vehicle was traveling, where the speeding occurred, and the source of the posted speed limit data ("LinkBased," meaning that the customer entered the speed limit, or "Premium," which was provided by the map service).
Vehicles, speeding events, date and time range (plus time span, optionally), and Over/Under Speed values
Primary Group, Vehicle, Event, Timestamp, Posted Speed, Speed, Location, Posted Speed Source
Seeing which vehicles/drivers are speeding, how high their speeds are, and where it is happening, such as if you've received complaints about a bus racing through someone's neighborhood
Route Daily Details by Vehicle
Lists all the events the vehicles reported to CalAmp K-12 over the specified date range, organized by primary group name, vehicle number, and date/time.
Vehicles, vehicle events, date and time range (plus time span, optionally), and Over/Under Speed values
Primary Group, Vehicle, Timestamp, Event, Location, Head, Speed, Route Distance, Latitude, Longitude, Posted Speed
Checking on route activity, such as when stop events occurred, or general route practices
Hardware Health by Vehicle
Points out which vehicles' GPS devices aren't reporting so that you can get an overview of the health of your entire fleet.
Vehicles, the number of consecutive days the devices didn't report (such as 1), a toggle to include spare fleet vehicles, a toggle to include all events (by default, the report looks just for the Diagnostic Message event; it's recommended to select this toggle, as other events reporting equally indicate a working device), a toggle to include new vehicles, and date range
Primary Group, Vehicle, Last Diag Time, Timestamp, Location, ESN, HCTB Accounts (the Here Comes the Bus accounts that will be affected if the vehicle doesn't report due to malfunctioning hardware), Last Event
Checking which vehicles' devices aren't reporting to CalAmp K-12 so that you know which ones require an RMA, which you should handle as soon as possible

Caution: Be aware that even if a vehicle doesn't appear on the report, its LMU still might not be working correctly; for example, it may be sending a Diagnostic Message but no GPS events.
Idle Daily Detail by Vehicle
Reports when, where, and how long each vehicle was idling, plus its excessive idling time, over the specified date range, organized by primary group name, vehicle number, and date/time.
Vehicles, date and time range (plus time span, optionally), and an Idle Threshold value (with a default of five minutes)

Primary Group, Vehicle, Date, Idle Time, Excessive Idle, Location
Checking for vehicles that are wasting gas by idling for excessively long periods
Vehicle Inspection
(requires inspections to be enabled, usually in conjunction with MDT [mobile data terminal] hardware on your vehicles)
Lists each item that was inspected on each day of the specified date range by primary group and vehicle name, including when the inspection was performed and by whom, the name of the inspection form, how many defects were reported, the description of each item, and whether the item passed or failed.
Vehicles, the inspection forms you want to see results for, the employees to include, date and time range, a toggle to include only defects (if not selected, passing results will also be returned), and a toggle to filter the results by the last date the forms were updated
Primary Group, Vehicle, Inspector First Name, Inspector Last Name, Inspection Start Time, Inspection End Time, Duration, Form Name, Total Defects, Group Description, Item Description, Item Result, Notes, Severity, Item Data Type, Sub Item Description, Fixed Date, Attachment
Making sure that drivers are completing their mandatory inspections and checking to see which items need repaired

Caution: The following report, Arrival Detail by Vehicle, shows two different versions. Which you should use depends on whether your school district is using the new or old Planned vs. Actual (PvA) engine. Most customers have new PvA, but our consortium customers still use old PvA.
  • New PvA: Use Arrival Detail by Vehicle.
  • Old PvA: Use Arrival Detail by Vehicle Legacy.
 New PvA customers SHOULD NOT USE the Legacy reports.

Arrival Detail by Vehicle (Route Time)
(requires Comparative Analysis)
Lists the arrival details of each school in relation to route time (the routes as scheduled by your route planning system), showing when each tier arrived and how that time deviated from plan.
Vehicles, schools (you can specify only arrivals at a specific school, if needed), date range, the time of day you need results for (morning, midday, and/or afternoon [AM, MID, PM]), and status types (such as Early, Late, and On Time)
School, Program (such as Regular Ed or Special Ed, or however you describe this itinerary in your planned routing system), Route, Tier, Vehicle, Date, Arr Time, Deviation (the number of minutes the arrival time differs from the planned tier arrival time; if negative, the bus arrived earlier than plan), Status, Primary Group, Itinerary, Planned Arr Time (the tier's scheduled arrival time)
Checking how closely your buses are following your route planning system's scheduled itineraries, especially if you have complaints from parents about consistently late vehicles
Arrival Detail by Vehicle Legacy (Bell Time)
(requires Comparative Analysis)
Lists the arrival details of each school in relation to the school bell time (the planned start of the school day), showing when each tier arrived and how that time deviated from plan.
Vehicles, schools (you can specify only arrivals at a specific school, if needed), date range, the time of day you need results for (morning, midday, and/or afternoon [AM, MID, PM]), and status types (such as Early, Late, and On Time)
School, Program (such as Regular Ed or Special Ed, or however you describe this itinerary in your planned routing system), Route, Tier, Vehicle, Date, Arr Time, Deviation (the number of minutes the arrival time differs from the planned bell time; if negative, the bus arrived earlier than the bell), Status, Primary Group, Itinerary, Bell (the bell time), Act Dep Time (when the bus actually left the school)
Checking how close to the school bell time your buses are getting your students to school, especially if you have complaints from parents about consistently late vehicles
Vehicle Summary
Summarizes what each selected vehicle did on the specified days, including the total number of idling events, ignition hours, stops, speeding events, mileage, harsh events, and fault codes, plus its performance score. Also lists each event returned by the vehicles and where they occurred.
Caution: Be careful not to run this report on too many vehicles. The large volume of information returned is database intensive. You should select only a few vehicles.
Vehicles and date range
The report doesn't return the standard grid data; it returns a PDF with each vehicle's data on its own page, with the total summaries at the top (Idling, Ignition, Stops, Speeding, Mileage, Performance, Harsh Events, and Fault Codes) and the list of events below, with column headings Time, Event, Address, and Additional Information
Producing a list of a vehicle's entire activity for a day, perhaps as part of a state requirement

The results don't appear in your browser window by default; instead, you'll first see this:

Click Click Here to View Result, which is a link to a PDF, and the summary will appear on a new tab, with each vehicle's data on its own page. You can download the PDF if needed.

Fault Code Detail by Vehicle
(requires Engine Diagnostics [ED])
Lists the fault codes reported by your vehicles, including the source of the faults (such as the engine or body controller [a power distribution center whose processor controls functions such as the lights and windows]).
Vehicles, date range, and a toggle to include only fault codes that are currently active
Primary Group, Vehicle, Start Time, Fault Code, Fault Description (a detailed description of the fault being reported, if available), Lamp Status (such as if the Amber Warning light is on), Source Address (what part is faulty), End Time, Protocol (such as J1708 or 1939)
Checking what fault codes are being reported by your ED equipment and the source of the problem so that you can follow up with necessary repairs
Event Alert Daily Details by Vehicle
Lists the alerts that were triggered on the specified vehicles in the chosen date range.
Vehicles, vehicle events, and date and time range (plus time span, optionally)
Primary Group, Vehicle, Date, Timestamp, Name (the alert name), Event (the CalAmp K-12 event set to trigger the alert), Zone, TTL Expired (this column is left over from our legacy software, when you could include time to live when creating an alert, but doesn't actually apply to the current site, as this is no longer an option), Ack Date (when the alert was acknowledged), Address, Notes (this has a Details link that will pull up the Alert Detail screen for the alert, including a map of where the triggering event occurred, the address, the speed of the vehicle, the direction the vehicle was heading, and notes)
Checking which alerts CalAmp K-12 sent out for your vehicles and whether they were acknowledged by someone in your organization to make sure that they are being handled as needed
Zone Daily Detail by Vehicle

Lists the dates and times your vehicles arrived at and departed your zones.
Vehicles, zones, date and time range (plus time span, optionally), and a toggle to filter the results by the date/time the vehicle exited the zone
Primary Group, Vehicle, Zone (the name of the location), Zone Entry (the date and time the bus entered the zone), Zone Exit (the date and time the bus left the zone), Time in Zone (the duration the vehicle was in the zone)
Checking when your vehicles entered and exited your designated locations, such as to see if they are going to a landmark you have prohibited

Most-Recommended Reports

Customer Support recommends these as our most useful reports:

Report Name
Default Columns Included in Results
Use Cases
Mileage Details by Vehicle
Lists the total actual miles each vehicle drove each day of the time range, plus how long the ignition was running and the miles per ignition hour that equates to.
Vehicles, date range, optional total miles traveled range you want to see (with high and low values you enter), and a toggle to include all vehicles/events even if they are reporting zero miles traveled
Primary Group, Vehicle, Date, Total Miles, Total Ign, Miles/Ign-HrChecking how many miles each vehicle drives per day to perhaps see if your routes need to be balanced more among the buses
Bus Substitution by Vehicle
(requires Comparative Analysis)
Reports what substitutions were entered for the date range by day, time of day, original vehicle, substitute vehicle, and tier.
Vehicles, time of day you need to see results for (morning, midday, and/or afternoon [AM, MID, PM]), and date range

Date, TOD, Default Bus, Substitute Bus, Tiers, Substituted Stops Count, Substitution Type, Created Date, Created By (which means who entered the substitution; this will have a value of the user's name if it was entered using the CalAmp K-12 platform or "MDT" if it was entered by the driver on the bus)
Checking to see which vehicles were substituting for others — for example, if there was a question about a vehicle's performance, you could look to make sure that the correct vehicle/driver is questioned

Note: This is clearer than the Substitutions Legacy screen if you need to see what substitutions were made on a certain day, as it doesn't list every itinerary you have by each route and individual tier. It just lists the tiers that had substitutions, similar to the newer Substitutions page.

Vehicle Inspection Summary
(requires inspections to be enabled, usually in conjunction with MDT hardware on your vehicles)
Lists each vehicle that is required to fill out an inspection form on each day of the specified date range. Includes the primary group and vehicle name, the form name, the total number of items that passed and failed, when and where the inspection was set to be performed, and who completed (or was supposed to complete) the form.
Vehicles, the inspection forms you want to see results for, the employees to include, date and time range, a toggle to include only inspections that included defects (if not selected, all inspection forms' data will be returned), and a toggle to filter the results by the last date the forms were updated
Primary Group, Vehicle, Form Name, Items Passed, Items Failed, Duration, Inspection Timestamp, Location of Inspection, Inspector First Name, Inspector Last Name
Checking whether mandatory inspections are being performed on each vehicle and seeing which drivers are (or are not) completing them
Not in Yard Vehicles
Points out which vehicles aren't in their assigned yards.
Date and time rangeVehicle, Yard, Date, Current Location, Speed, Event
Determining which vehicles haven't returned to their depot, whether it is a home bus lot or garage; this is usually run over a tight timeframe, such as for one hour or even a half hour
Uninspected Vehicles
(requires inspections to be enabled, usually in conjunction with MDTs on your vehicles)
Shows which vehicles didn't have an inspection performed on them on a certain day.
Vehicles, inspection forms, and date (you can choose just a single day)Date, Vehicle, Form Name, Inspection Complete (with values of Yes and No), Count (the number of times the inspection was performed that day)
Making sure that your drivers are performing the required vehicle inspections

Customer Support also recommended these reports, which are listed among the top ten (see the first section of this article for details, "Popular Reports"):

  • Route Daily Details by Vehicle
  • Vehicle Inspection
  • Vehicle Summary
  • Hardware Health by Vehicle
  • Fault Code Detail by Vehicle


Customer Support offered this word of warning as well:

Customers with Comparative Analysis should not be using the Arrival Details by School Zone report (in the Core >> Zone category). They should be using the Comparative Analysis >> School Arrival (Bell Time) and Comparative Analysis >> School Arrival (Route Time) reports, which are described in the first section of this article, "Popular Reports."

Customers without Comparative Analysis might find the Arrival Details by School Zone (in the Core >> Zone category) report useful, which lists when each vehicle entered and exited each zone. If this isn't in your list of report options, and you want to use it, request that your project manager or CSM turn it on for you.