Synovia Site (
- Released a beta version of our new reporting engine to a few test customers. The new reports will be more user-friendly, easier to schedule, and much faster.
- In Fleet Tracking, changed how the Watch Live number of vehicles is reported: Now, initially, the count at the top right of the map will just read, "21 vehicles," for example. If the user applies a filter to view only certain vehicles (such as those with ignition on), the number will update to show how many are currently being displayed out of that larger group, such as "Watching 6 of 21 vehicles."
- On the Vehicle History screen, added the number of results returned after plotting the history at the top right of the map, in the format "Results (194)." If a filter is applied, this will be updated to how many events are now being displayed (out of the original total), such as "Results (33 of 194)."
- Changed the right-click option of Map Vehicle History (from Fleet Tracking and other screens) to no longer automatically plot the vehicle history; instead, it now will open the Vehicle History screen with the Options window open, which will allow the user to choose parameters before they plot the vehicle's history.
- Changed all map screens to default to vehicle clustering off instead of on.
- Fixed a bug with all the map screens that would export the map to PDF incorrectly if the user changed the size of their browser text.
- Fixed an issue with the Vehicle History screen that wasn't displaying the driver's name in the Employee column of the grid if they forgot to clock out that day.
- Fixed a bug on the Vehicle History screen that was zooming in too much when one vehicle was selected in the grid or not zooming to the right location if a filter was applied.
Comparative Analysis - Synovia
- Improved the performance of the PvA by Stop screen, which will now have fewer timeouts.
- Fixed a bug that wasn't allowing HCTB messages to be sent out when the user targeted itineraries instead of schools or vehicles.
- Fixed a bug that was allowing HCTB messages to be sent even if no recipients were selected (if the user chose the Itineraries category).
- Fixed a bug on the Rider History screen that would center on the stops for the first student whose history was run but not for any subsequent students.
Time and Attendance
- For North Carolina customers, created a new report (Vehicle TD-28 Report) for the state's required TD-28 report that will provide zone-entry information for when the drivers completed the associated form. (A new corresponding MDT inspection template is also planned to replace the paper forms currently filled out by the drivers.) The new report will allow for only seven days' worth of data to be run (as the report size can be problematic for longer time periods).
- Changed the Import Failure email alert to go out to all customers who use employee imports (if their import failed). Only users in the ImportAlerts privilege group will receive the alerts.
- In Synovia, fixed a bug with two-way messaging that was duplicating vehicles on the Compose Message screen (when the user tried to send a message to the driver/MDT).
- For Navigation customers, fixed an issue that was causing false arrival triggers for stops and student scan inconsistencies due to zones marked as Ignore for RGC being incorrectly associated to the stops.
- For consortium customers, fixed the default route pop-up (asking "Are you driving route XYZ?"), which broke with the operator changes made in December 2018.