To see what scheduled reports specific recipients are being emailed (for example, to unsubscribe users who no longer need a report you've set up), follow these steps:

Note: For details on the features of the Reports screen, go to Navigating the Reports Screen.

  1. Click  >> Reports.
    The Reports screen will appear.
  2. Click at the top right of the screen.
    The Scheduled Reports screen will appear and display all the reports you yourself set up to run on a regular basis and reports other users have designated you as a recipient of (or all the scheduled reports in your organization if your user role has the Scheduled Report Admin privilege).

  3. In the Search Report Recipients box, type part of the individual's name or email address.
  4. Click Search Recipients.
    The list will be updated to show only the scheduled reports with an email recipient whose name or email address matches your search text.
  5. You can click  in the row of one of the reports if you need to unsubscribe the recipient from it. (See Changing a Scheduled Report's Name, Timetable, Recipients, or Secure FTP Settings.)