Synovia Site (

  • Improved the Input Monitor map's load time and fixed an issue that was causing it to freeze.
  • Fixed a bug on the Fleet Tracking screen that was allowing users to see fleet groups in the Vehicle tree that they weren't assigned to.
  • Fixed an issue with the Map Nearby screen that zoomed in on the first vehicle in the results list instead of centering the map on all the returned vehicles.
  • Fixed a bug with the Vehicle History screen's By Time Span tab that wasn't allowing the end of the time range to be set earlier in the day than the beginning of it, even if the date range was for multiple days.
  • Fixed a bug with the Vehicle History screen's By Time Span tab that wasn't exporting all the results to PDF or Excel if the date range was for more than one day.
  • Fixed an issue with Zone Entry and Zone Exit events not showing their location.
  • For consortium customers, fixed an issue with the Fleet Tracking screen that wasn't allowing customers to expand all the fleet groups belonging to their operators.

Comparative Analysis - Synovia

  • Added a counter to the HCTB Messaging screen that indicates how many characters a user has remaining when they are typing the subject and body of a HCTB message (which have a 24-character and 116-character maximum, respectively).
  • Fixed a bug that wasn't displaying all the vehicles in the drop-down list when performing a substitution.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented a vehicle from being substituted back in for its own route after a different vehicle was substituting for it for an extended period.
  • Fixed an issue that wasn't displaying unassigned itineraries on the Itinerary Mapping screen.
  • Fixed how the average time a bus stop occurs is calculated for the Avg Time column of the PvA by Stop screen.
  • For consortium customers, fixed a bug that wasn't launching PvA data from the Planned vs. Actual by Stop right-click option on the Fleet Tracking screen.
  • For consortium customers, fixed a bug that wasn't allowing operators to see students in the Stop Details window of the PvA by Stop screen.

Time and Attendance

  • Improved TAA's performance globally, most noticeably on the Time Card screen.
  • Changed how vehicle historical data is used in TAA reports and on the Time Card screen: Now even if vehicles were deleted, retired, or renamed or if their ESNs were changed, users still will be able to use all their historical data.
  • Gave the Assign Schedules screen's Choose Employee section more vertical screen space.
  • Added validation to the Assign Schedules screen that will produce a warning if a user assigns an employee to a master template that doesn't have any shifts.
  • Fixed a bug with the Assign Schedules screen that wasn't displaying the updated count for the number of employees assigned to a schedule when users added an employee to a schedule that wasn't imported.
  • Fixed a bug with the Time Card edit screen that was displaying days of the week as scheduled days that weren't included on the master template schedule the employees were assigned to.
  • Fixed a bug with the Time Card edit screen that was showing the current vehicle's data in the GPS Reference Data grid (and for the Include Vehicle options) instead of the vehicle's historical data (for the time of the shift).
  • Fixed an issue with the Mileage by Job Type report not including all the miles if vehicles have had a name change.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing the Audit Trail report to miss some Time Card changes made by users.
  • Fixed an issue that was slowing how long it took to run the Overtime report.
  • Fixed an issue with the Schedule Reports tab of the Reports screen that wasn't including the Report Description field's text in the scheduled report's information file.
  • Fixed a bug that was creating duplicate shifts if employees clocked in using the TAA Portal.
  • Fixed an issue that caused missed punches.
  • For Sartox customers, fixed a bug that returned the Invalid Assignment exception when an employee's name was changed.
  • Fixed a bug that overwrote the data for the first employee in the drop-down list when a user updated a different, inactive employee's data.
  • Fixed an issue with the Drivers tab of the Synovia Fleet Tracking screen that was displaying inactive employees in the list.
  • Fixed a bug on the Synovia Vehicle History screen that wasn't exporting the results to PDF or Excel if the history was run for drivers instead of vehicles.

Here Comes the Bus

  • Fixed a bug that was sending Stop Radius Entry verbiage for Stop Radius Exit notifications.

Engine Diagnostics

  • Changed the name of the OBDII Data event to "OBDII Update."


  • Changed the login procedure to look for previously successful logins on the MDT (if the employee ID entered isn't found quickly in the database).
  • Changed the default Emily voice for Navigation audio alerts from a British accent to an American one.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing All-in-Ones to not report a daily diagnostic message.
  • In Navigation, fixed how the Add to Favorites option works. Previously, when it was selected from a stop, the MDT would ask the driver for a name and address, even though the location is already part of the stop data. Now the driver just needs to provide a name for the favorite.
  • In Navigation, fixed the Recent Place option, which was adding another recent place whenever the driver selected one, creating duplicates.
  • Fixed a bug that kept playing the high-priority message sound even after the driver acknowledged the message.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing student scans performed in School and Yard locations to be marked as Unplanned Stops.