- Changed how Zone Entry/Exit events are generated to improve performance.
- Fixed an issue with Zone Entry/Exit event times being displayed with the wrong time zone offset.
Comparative Analysis - Silverlining
- For EDULOG SQL customers, added support for route day variance, enabled with the new parameter Use Day Variance. If this option is selected, the client must be run before midnight.
Synovia Site (
- Added the Input Monitor, a feature available in Silverlining, which enables users to view all the streets where a specific input (such as a snow-removal truck using its plow) is or has been active, with the inputs being displayed on the map as color-coded road segments. New in Synovia is the ability to use different colors for separate past time ranges.
- Added a Duplicate User icon to the System Administration >> Users screen to make adding a new user easier; it will launch the Add New User screen with the same roles (and their privileges), assigned groups, and assigned zone categories as the duplicated user, from which the admin can specify the new username/email address and make any other necessary modifications.
- Changed the Employees and Route columns on the Fleet Tracking screen to be updated with incoming data, which will be checked for as often as the customer opts, using the setting Employee and Route Update Interval; the default refresh rate will be every two minutes. Previously, the columns' data was populated only when the page was loaded, so if employees logged in after that, their names wouldn't appear in the grid.
- Added the ability to see report subscriptions on the Reports Schedule tab.
- Updated the reports to the latest version of Izenda, which fixed scheduling, an issue with the wrong usernames, and column sorting in the reports grid.
- Changed Preferences grid screens to include only the applied filters when exporting to PDF or Excel.
- Changed how Zone Entry/Exit events are generated to improve performance.
- Fixed an issue with Zone Entry/Exit event times being displayed with the wrong time zone offset.
- On multiple screens, fixed an issue when exporting to PDF and Excel that caused a different time to be displayed in the PDF/XLSX than was onscreen.
- On the Edit/Add New Vehicle screen, fixed a bug that was displaying deleted vehicle types in the Vehicle Type drop-down list.
- Fixed an issue on the Fleet Tracking screen that would sometimes show the map zoomed out to world view (due to vehicles being reported at a lat/lon of 0 – now those will be ignored for zooming).
- Fixed an issue that was displaying retired vehicles in the vehicle tree of Fleet Tracking.
- Fixed a bug on the Vehicle History screen that was leaving out events when drawing the paths for Connect the Points. (It was using just the first and last events in the time range specified.)
- Fixed a bug on the Vehicle History screen that was allowing multiple boundaries to be drawn when performing a boundary search (which was also breaking the history functionality).
- Fixed a bug on Assign screens such as Assign Zone to Zone Category that didn't honor grid filters when moving items from the Out of Category grid to the In Category grid (and vice versa).
- Fixed a bug that saved start and end times incorrectly on the Zone Speed Rule screen.
- Fixed an issue on the map screens that disabled WMS layers when users zoomed in past a certain level.
- Fixed the password validation logic, which wasn't displaying the text for password requirements when users changed their passwords but left out necessary characters.
- For consortium customers, fixed an issue that was displaying more vehicles than one operator should be able to see when selecting All Vehicles on the Fleet Tracking screen.
To see a video of some of these new features, go to 2018.13 Synovia Updates.
Comparative Analysis - Synovia
- Added the Scan History SPED Ridership report, which is like the one available in Silverlining, with the addition of a PIN Authorization column (in case the customer is using two-factor authentication).
- For EDULOG SQL customers, added support for route day variance, enabled with the new parameter Use Day Variance. If this option is selected, the client must be run before midnight.
- On the Substitutions screen, changed the appearance of itineraries, routes, and such to look like hyperlinks, so users can more easily tell that they are selectable.
- For consortium customers, changed what is displayed on the Substitutions screen: First, you must be logged in as an operator to see the routes and vehicles; second, the operator will see only routes with default vehicles in their groups.
- Fixed a bug with the Scan History Detail report that would return no data when an actual time value was entered as a search criteria (such as a 6:30 a.m. start time) but would find results if the time value was entered as 00:00:00 or if the filter was for the whole day.
- Fixed a bug preventing the School Arrival (Bell Time) report from running.
- Fixed an issue with substituting tiers that was using data from the previous substitution instead of the one currently being made, if it's a repeated substitution.
- Fixed an issue that was displaying duplicate stops in the Fleet Tracking screen's Route Details window.
- Fixed a bug on the PvA by Stop screen that included routes from the previous route set if the current route set started that day.
- Fixed a bug that was displaying duplicate stops in the PvA by Stop screen's Stop Details window.
- Fixed a bug that was displaying duplicate itineraries (one with an assigned vehicle and start date and the other without those) on the Itinerary Mapping tab of the Comparative Analysis >> Mapping screen.
- Fixed a bug that was allowing retired vehicles to be selected in the Assign Vehicle dialog box of Itinerary Mapping.
- In Itinerary Mapping, fixed an issue with the warning message that appears when a user tries to assign a vehicle that already has an assignment to an itinerary; it wasn't displaying the correct vehicle and itinerary names. (It showed placeholder names instead: "Vehicle 0 is already assigned to Itinerary 1 for this date range. Do you wish to set the end date for Itinerary 0 to 1?")
- In Entity Mapping, fixed an issue that wasn't displaying any of the mapped vehicles in the Synovia grid.
To see a video of some of these new features, go to 2018.13 Comparative Analysis Synovia Updates.
Time and Attendance
- On the Fleet Tracking Drivers tab, fixed an issue that wasn't allowing users to see drivers if they had access to only child departments and not the parent one.
- On the Fleet Tracking Drivers tab, fixed a bug that was preventing vehicles from being displayed if the user selected a parent department.
- On the Mail Details screen, fixed a typo (changed "Mails Details" to "Mail Details").
For changes to the TAA software, see the weekly TAA release notes that are going out (to TAA users only), as TAA's release schedule has changed from once a month to once a week.
- Added the Time Zone Offset DST value to the Get Customers call (s0001). (Just Time Zone Offset was included previously.)
- Added the ability for the device to continue to operate if the SDK card becomes corrupted, instead of the app crashing, until a new card can be inserted.
- For All-in-Ones, added an option for the screen to go blank as soon as the vehicle is in motion (not just after it reaches a certain speed, as was previously available) – or for a configurable event such as a stop arm opening.
- Fixed a bug on inspection screens and in the Stops list that took the driver back to the first page, even if they were entering an item on a later page of the inspection or on a later student's stop. (This was fixed in the last release, but it only would retain the current page after the first change. Subsequent changes were once again returning the driver to page 1.)