
  • Added the MDT-7P as an option for peripheral bulk loads and on the Vehicles screen's Peripheral Type list (as "Calamp 7P").

Comparative Analysis - Silverlining

  • For BusBoss customers, fixed an issue that was failing to process itinerary packets due to a duplicate program.
  • For Transfinder customers, fixed an import issue that was pulling in student information but not the associated stops.
  • Fixed an issue with bulk student uploads not including the route entity legacy records in the database.
  • Fixed a bug that was failing PvA for a vehicle if a false bar code scan occurred.

Synovia App

  • Added the ability to view multiple vehicles on the map at once.
  • Added the ability to filter vehicles on the map by group.
  • Added functionality to navigate to broken down vehicles.
  • Added a toggle to turn on/off satellite imagery on the map.
  • Fixed a bug in which properties were not being displayed for certain vehicles.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed users to view customers and vehicles they did not have access rights to.

Synovia Site (

  • Improved the usability of the Reports Schedule grid, including removing columns (to reduce the amount of scrolling to the right that's necessary to view them all) and increasing the grid height.
  • For TAA customers, added the Driver Summary report, which provides a daily summary of driver activity between clock events.
  • For TAA customers, added a search function on the Drivers tab of Fleet Tracking.
  • Changed System Administration grid screens to include only the applied filters when exporting to PDF or Excel.
  • Added a requirement for users to enter a new password twice when changing their password on the User Settings screen.
  • Made a change to the Vehicle Inspection report's date and time fields that will enable Excel to recognize them as date/time values.
  • For consortium users, added the ability to see operator vehicles on the Hardware screen.
  • For consortium customers, fixed an issue that was preventing users from seeing certain vehicles on the Vehicles drop-down of Fleet Tracking and in the tree for Vehicle History.
  • For consortium customers, fixed a bug that was displaying vehicles from other accounts in reports' Vehicle and Search Vehicle filter lists.
  • For consortium customers, fixed an issue that was listing duplicate vehicles in the Fleet Tracking grid.
  • For consortium customers, fixed an issue that wasn't displaying locations that had just been created.
  • For consortium customers, fixed a bug that wasn't allowing a role to be created if another consortium account had a role with the same name.
  • For consortium customers, fixed a bug that wasn't displaying the zone categories of the selected account in report drop-down lists (but was displaying another account's zone categories).
  • Fixed a bug that was preventing users from being able to save changes to copied reports.
  • Fixed an issue that was producing errors intermittently when users tried to log in.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing scheduled reports to be sent as a blank PDF.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing new users from being able to see reports.
  • Fixed the text on the Vehicle History grid's right-click menu to not display underscores.
  • Fixed a bug that wasn't displaying the vehicle icons on the Vehicle History map when All Vehicles was selected.
  • Fixed a bug that was using the server's time instead of the customer's local time to determine the current route a vehicle is running.

To see a video of some of these new features, go to 2018.12 Synovia Updates.

Comparative Analysis - Synovia

  • Added a search function on the Schools and Itineraries tabs of Fleet Tracking.
  • On the Import Results Ric Operations screen, changed the Initiate RIC Request drop-down list to display the Route Import Request value from the CustomerSetting table (instead of None).
  • Fixed an issue that was reporting the Created Date values in the Bus Substitution by Vehicle report in GMT instead of the customer's local time.
  • For BusBoss customers, fixed an issue that was failing to process itinerary packets due to a duplicate program.
  • For Transfinder customers, fixed an import issue that was pulling in student information but not the associated stops.
  • Fixed an issue that was slowing the Edit Vehicle screen's load time (due to constrained processing of the ESN history data).
  • Fixed an issue with bulk student uploads not including the route entity legacy records in the database.
  • Fixed a bug that was failing PvA for a vehicle if a false bar code scan occurred.
  • Fixed a bug in the PvA Stops Detail report that caused route/tier filter selections to be ignored.

To see a video of some of these new features, go to 2018.12 Comparative Analysis Synovia Updates.

Time and Attendance

  • In Synovia, added the Driver Summary report, which provides a daily summary of driver activity between clock events.
  • In Synovia, added a search function on the Drivers tab of Fleet Tracking.
  • Fixed a bug with the Standard Time Card report that wasn't displaying the date range when run in PDF.
  • Fixed a bug that was preventing the Standard Time Card report from returning data.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Filter Employee by Department feature from working on the Time Card screen.
  • Fixed an issue when being redirected to the Time Card edit screen from Shift Exceptions that wasn't loading the entire Time Card edit screen.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing shifts that overlapped midnight to be split incorrectly.
  • Fixed a bug with the Multiple OC/OT Jobs option of the Over Contract by Hours export that was changing the modified date each time field changes were saved for all the records instead of just for the updated job types.
  • Fixed an issue that was creating duplicate job types when two different users saved changes to the Employee Type Hours tab of the Employee Types screen (using the Multiple OC/OT Jobs option of the Over Contract by Hours export).

Here Comes the Bus

  • Fixed an issue that was preventing students from being added to HCTB accounts (due to bulk student uploads not including the route entity legacy records in the database).


  • Added the time a fault occurred to the Fault Code call and the resolved time (end time).

Engine Diagnostics

  • In the Fault Code Detail report, changed how the Source Address column is populated to show a more descriptive label when available; for example, instead of showing a value of 3, the Source Address column will now show Transmission.
  • Fixed an issue that wasn't returning ED data, such as fuel mileage, due to a processing error.
  • In Synovia, fixed the Fuel Level Remaining value on the Engine Diagnostics >> OBDII - Light Duty screen.


  • In Silverlining, added the MDT-7P as an option for peripheral bulk loads and on the Vehicles screen's Peripheral Type list (as "Calamp 7P").
  • Updated CoPilot to version 10.9.
  • For the new UI, added a button on the Stops list at the bottom right that will show the current passengers count and, when pressed, take the driver to the Passengers manifest.
  • The Navigation audio alert to "Turn now" was changed to occur between 450 and 500 feet prior to a turn instead of the current 150 feet.
  • Changed stop times to reflect entered calendar exceptions by including the exception data when the driver syncs stops; for example, if a school is on a two-hour early release, and the normal school stop pickup time is 3:30, the MDT will now say 1:30.
  • Fixed a bug when filling out inspections that took the driver back to the first page of a group of items after they entered a value in a text box on a later page (such as typing a tire pressure value on page 3 of 10 and then being returned to page 1).
  • Fixed a similar bug with the Stops list when manually scanning a student on the bus that took the driver back to the first page of stops, even if the stop of the student entering the bus was on a later page of the Stops list.
  • Fixed an issue for customers who have the inspection pop-up enabled that wasn't taking the driver to the Inspection screen when they tapped Yes.
  • Fixed a bug on the Check Results screen of an inspection that caused the application to crash if the driver modified anything on the page.
  • Fixed an issue with the Vehicle Inspection reports returning all non-Pass items as defects (even ones that were other types of fields, such as dates and numeric values [like Odometer]), not just Fail items.