
  • ALK Maps has upgraded the map tiles, including detailed shaping and labels for bodies of water; building footprints; footpaths; mall outlines; county labels at all zoom levels; additional points of interest (POIs), such as national forests; improved labels for POIs; new highway shields; more detailed railroads; and textured wooded areas.
  • Fixed an issue with assigning a new device's ESN to a vehicle after removing a previous one that wasn't preserving the data being received.

Comparative Analysis - Silverlining

  • Changed the way import stored procedure failures are handled to try to progress through the process and added a new Import Status value of Server postProcessing Failure.

Synovia Site (

  • ALK Maps has upgraded the map tiles, including detailed shaping and labels for bodies of water; building footprints; footpaths; mall outlines; county labels at all zoom levels; additional points of interest (POIs), such as national forests; improved labels for POIs; new highway shields; more detailed railroads; and textured wooded areas.
  • On all the grid screens, changed the paging options at the bottom to always include the Show [Number of Items] drop-down list, so that users can choose how many items to display per page – 10, 25, 50, or 100. (Previously, this drop-down list was available only if the screen contained more than 50 items.)
  • Added an optional Notes field to the Bulk Load template of the Inventory screen. If this is populated, its data will fill the Notes column in the Inventory grid.
  • Changed the Vehicles screen to hide inactive vehicles by default and added a Show/Hide Inactive Vehicles button.
  • Changed the Fleet Tracking and Vehicle History grid's column width to automatically fit the size of the text within it.
  • Fixed a bug with the Fleet Tracking grid that was allowing fields that should be uneditable to be changed, such as Ignition, Speed, Heading, and Distance.
  • Fixed a bug with the new status banner on the Reports screen that was leaving the area the banner took up as white space after the user closed it.
  • Fixed an issue with assigning a new device's ESN to a vehicle after removing a previous one that wasn't preserving the data being received.
  • Fixed a bug with the Edit screen of both Vehicles and Inventory when users clicked Back or Cancel that was prompting them that there were unsaved changes even if they hadn't made any modifications.

To see a video of some of these new features, go to 2018.10 Synovia Updates.

Comparative Analysis - Synovia

  • Changed the Select Stop list (which you access by clicking Select Stop in the Options drop-down of the PvA screen) to order the bus stops chronologically by planned stop time instead of alphabetically by name.
  • Enlarged the numbers on the Performance Categories screen's scales.
  • Changed the logic for a route set date change to update snapshot records to assign them to the new set.
  • Changed the way import stored procedure failures are handled to try to progress through the process and added a new Import Status value of Server postProcessing Failure.
  • Changed the School Monitor to display an individually selected school in the top grid on the map.
  • Fixed issues with the new Ridership Monitor, such as the Status column not being updated and duplicate students being listed.

Time and Attendance

  • Added a banner informing users that the TAA URL is changing from to and asking them to update their bookmarks.
  • Added a grid to the Scheduling and Trip Scheduling tabs of the Export Time screen that lists when past exports were run by date and time, including the filename, file location, and status.
  • Added an Include Unassigned check box to the Mileage by Job Type report's options, which will include any mileage that wasn't associated to a specific job type (and demarcate it with an Unassigned value).
  • Changed the Export Time - Field Mappings tab's Date field to use the date format specified on the Settings tab of Export Time.
  • Removed the Photo area from the Employees screen.

To see a video of some of these new features, go to 2018.10 TAA Updates.

Here Comes the Bus

  • Added missing Spanish and French translations to the app and changed how translation processing is handled.
  • Changed newly created accounts to have notifications enabled by default.
  • Fixed a bug with the Contact Support form that was returning an error.


  • Added a new call, s0136, that will pull all the new OBDII Engine Diagnostics data we added to the Synovia site's OBDII – Light Duty screen.
  • Added a call to export a field trip's start time, end time, trip number, driver, and vehicle.

Engine Diagnostics

  • Fixed a bug when exporting to PDF on the OBDII - Light Duty and J1708/1939 - Heavy Duty screens that wasn't carrying over applied filters.


  • Added new options for Student Ridership Verification for the MDT design released last month: When an unknown rider scans on, these options are now available to the driver:
    • Allow Rider to Board
    • Deny Boarding
    • Look Up Rider Scan
  • Also, added a Duplicate Rider check that will be activated if the same card is scanned at the same bus stop (60+ seconds after the original scan) with similar options. A duplicate scan later in the route is assumed to be a scan off the bus.
  • Fixed an issue with the new UI that wasn't populating the Select Job Type list based on the employee type selected.
  • Fixed a bug in Navigation that wasn't loading the students assigned to the current bus stop when selecting Students in the Stop Options dialog box; instead, it was loading the manifest of students from just the first student stop of the tier.
  • Fixed a bug in Navigation that flipped the stop name back to the first name in the list when selecting Skip to Here; now it will stay on the stop the driver selected to skip to.
  • Fixed a bug that was displaying "Placeholder" on the Home screen and made the Stops list blank after the driver selected Include Tier.

To see a video of some of these new features, go to 2018.10 MDT Updates.