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  • Added a status banner within the application that provides outage notifications.
  • Added a context menu to the Vehicle History grid with similar options as the Fleet Tracking grid's right-click menu, plus an option to map the selected vehicle's history on a new tab (the use case being the user wanting to see an individual vehicle after mapping the history of several).
  • Changed how bad data from LMUs is handled; now, such data is rejected or edited so that it can't cause reporting to fail in the system.
  • Made the text on the Hardware screen and in the System Administration and Preferences grids selectable so that users can copy and paste it.
  • Added three new columns to the Not in Yard report: Current Location, Event, and Speed.
  • Changed the column headers of report results to be sticky – that is, they stay on top when the user scrolls down through numerous results.
  • If a report's results have many columns, including ones to the right of the visible screen space, moved the horizontal scroll bar to be at the bottom of the currently shown space instead of all the way at the bottom of the results.
  • Updated the Reports screen to load the reports only when a category is selected and to allow report names to be expanded to show the report details.
  • Added the ability for users to create a local copy of a report and open Quick Edit to change its layout.
  • Added the Event column back in for the Route reports.
  • Updated the reports to the latest version of Izenda and fixed subsequent UI issues.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing child reports to be opened with no results.
  • Fixed minor design issues on all the screens, such as incorrect icons, incorrect icon text, inconsistent breadcrumb text, missing dialog box text, incorrect column header text, and right-click option bugs.
  • Fixed a bug when exporting to Excel and PDF on the Hardware screen that wasn't carrying over applied filters or Settings choices.
  • Fixed issues with watching a single vehicle live on the Fleet Tracking screen, such as not focusing on the selected event, not following the vehicle event to event, and not zooming as expected.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Fleet Tracking map to freeze.
  • Fixed a bug that would return no results if the user selected the All Vehicles check box on the Vehicles panes of Fleet Tracking.
  • For Internet Explorer users, fixed a UI issue with the Vehicles dialog box of Vehicle History.
  • Fixed an issue with bulk loading inventory that included extra spaces and tabs as part of the ESN if they were in the file – added functionality to trim those.
  • Fixed a bug on the Vehicle Types screen that was including deleted vehicles toward the total count of a type in the Quantity column.
  • Fixed a bug that produced an exception when trying to save after changing the mobile carrier or default screen on the User Settings screen.
  • Fixed an issue that wasn't allowing privilege changes to be saved for roles.
  • For consortium customers, fixed an issue that wouldn't show a user on the Users screen if they were assigned a role for a different customer, even if the user needed to be assigned a role for the second customer as well.

To see a video of some of these new features, go to 2018.09 Synovia Updates.

Comparative Analysis - Synovia

  • On the Substitutions screen, added a method to easily substitute all the tiers assigned to a vehicle with another bus.
  • Changed how tiers are displayed on the Substitutions screen to no longer list each school serviced in a separate row (so that the tier looked like it was duplicated in the grid); now one tier will be in one row, with multiple school names separated by commas.
  • Updated the HCTB menu icon to the latest design.
  • Moved the Yard Monitor menu item to just below the Route Monitor, to put the School, Route, and Yard Monitors together on the menu.
  • Trimmed leading zeroes from student IDs on the HCTB Accounts screen and Routing Details window.
  • Added a filter to the Student ID(s) column on the HCTB Accounts screen.
  • Fixed an issue that was returning an exception when trying to load the Route Monitor.
  • Fixed issues with the new Ridership Monitor, which was added last release, such as using the server's time instead of the local time and a slow load time.
  • Changed all the live monitors to use the customer's local time instead of the server's time.
  • Fixed a UI issue with the Export as PDF and Export as Excel buttons in the Turn-by-Turn Directions window of the PvA by Stop Navigation screen.
  • Fixed UI issues with the PvA by Stop Navigation screen and the live monitors, such as missing spaces in the results grid text and IE/Firefox bugs.
  • Fixed an issue that was returning an exception when selecting a route on the PvA by Stop Navigation screen.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing Navigation from loading navigation points.
  • Fixed a bug that was producing an error when selecting the check box on the Schools or Itineraries panes of Fleet Tracking.
  • Fixed an issue of the route tree not being displayed on the Itineraries panes of Fleet Tracking.
  • Fixed a bug on the Import Mapping screen that prevented all vehicles from being shown if the user was importing from multiple routing databases.

To see a video of some of these new features, go to 2018.09 Comparative Analysis Synovia Updates.

Time and Attendance

  • Added validation that will prevent entering an end date prior to a start date for exports.
  • Added validation that will prevent entering overlapping FTE records.
  • Added logging to more screens and actions to enhance data categorization.
  • Improved the performance of the Audit Trail report.
  • Corrected verbiage, spelling, and capitalization on several screens.
  • Fixed an issue with all the tabs fitting in the width of the window on the Export Time screen by shortening the tab title text.
  • Fixed an issue with ADP exports, which weren't processing employee properties longer than 20 characters.


  • Added a Notes section for API key creation, the use case being if a customer needs a key for vendor X and later needs to revoke that key, we can easily determine which one to invalidate.

Engine Diagnostics

  • Changed the OBDII - Light Duty screen to no longer automatically open the Show Groups of Columns dialog box when the menu option is selected.
  • Changed the OBDII - Light Duty screen's Show Groups of Columns dialog box button text to be "Cancel" and "OK" instead of "No" and "Yes."
  • Made UI changes to the OBDII - Light Duty screen, such as adding "psi" to the Tire Pressure column headers and changing column values to "Yes/No."
  • Made the text on the OBDII - Light Duty and J1708/1939 - Heavy Duty screens selectable so that users can copy and paste it.
  • Fixed a bug with how odometer readings are saved.
  • Fixed a bug that was showing light-duty hardware on the Heavy Duty Engine Diagnostics screen.


  • Completely redesigned the UI to a more user-friendly look and feel.
  • Changed how Ridership Verification calculates the scan/stop correlation from using the closest stop to comparing all the stops against the stop ID of the student.

To see a video of some of these new features, go to 2018.09 MDT Updates.