
  • On the map screens, added the speed type to the location details, such as Premium (from ALK Maps) or Link (a customer-specified speed).
  • Fixed a bug that was labeling the location wrong in the map screen’s Location Details box.
  • Fixed a bug on screens that require an address search (such as when creating a zone) that wouldn’t find a location if its exact address was entered.
  • For customers with Region Tracking, fixed an issue causing inconsistent state names in reports.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes returned an incorrect address if a vehicle wasn’t moving.
  • Fixed an issue that returned out-of-date addresses from the map provider.

Comparative Analysis - Silverlining

  • Prevented stops from being added to a snapshot during a server-side import if they have no geo data.
  • Fixed an issue with the HCTB Messaging feature that was preventing messages from being sent to all the parents of the students on the selected vehicles.

Synovia Site (

  • Fixed several issues with the new Izenda 7 reports, including Izenda not loading, no data being returned, child reports not inheriting filters, child reports exporting to PDF or Excel as blank files, filters not being copied over into local reports, links not being included when Link is the selected delivery method, the Add Recipients feature not displaying the loading image, the email body not being populated with the embedded HTML when that is the selection, {embedReportHTML} disappearing from the email body when editing a scheduled report, {reportLink} appearing in the email body when editing a scheduled report if the email body had been empty, the email body not being updated when the delivery type is changed when editing a scheduled report, and deleted recipients reappearing in the list.
  • Created a dashboard that displays primary group mileage data in a list and pie chart.
  • For scheduled/subscribed reports, changed the parameters to carry over if the user ran the report before selecting Schedule or Subscribe, except for the dates, which must be a common date range when scheduling.
  • Added a local copy of each scheduled report for the user so that the scheduled report will be named with the report name instead of the name of the user who created it.
  • Added validation that will prevent users from using special characters in the names of reports.
  • Implemented the new design specifications for the Map Nearby and Vehicles screens.
  • Fixed several user interface issues with the new design, such as text disappearing from drop-down lists when pages are scrolled and the caret pointing the wrong direction when expanded.
  • Fixed global Firefox UI issues with the new design for users of a 1024 x 768 resolution.
  • Fixed issues with the Vehicle History screen, including the driver search not working and exceptions being returned.
  • Fixed a bug when sending messages to vehicles that preselected High Priority after the user previously sent a high-priority message.
  • Fixed an issue with Fleet Tracking when tracking one vehicle that would show it moving on the map but not include markers for all the events as they occurred.
  • Implemented a feature that enables users to search for a vehicle in Fleet Tracking, similar to the capability in legacy Silverlining.
  • Updated and improved the process for submitting an RMA from the Hardware screen.
  • For customers with Region Tracking, fixed an issue causing inconsistent state names in reports.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes returned an incorrect address if a vehicle wasn’t moving.
  • Fixed an issue that returned out-of-date addresses from the map provider.

To see a video of some of these new features, go to 2018.05 Synovia Updates.

Comparative Analysis - Synovia Site

  • Implemented the new design specifications for the Substitutions screen.
  • Added an option to take the user to the PvA screen from a student search, via the Info button and Schedule tab.

To see a video of some of these new features, go to 2018.05 Comparative Analysis Synovia Updates.

Time and Attendance

  • Added a Substitute drop-down list on the Enter Absences screen, from which a user can select an employee in their organization to replace the one who will be absent, plus Employee Type and Substitute columns in its grid and the View Absences results.
  • Added a Show Substitute Employee check box to the Absence report, which when selected will include an additional row to display the substitute employees and their employee types; if there are no substitute employees in the time range, the row will be empty.
  • Added an Hours column to the grids on the View Absences and Enter Absences screens that translates the Duration value (such as Full Day) to the actual hours that equates to (such as 8).
  • On the Portal/MDT Settings screen, added a Show Inactive Employees check box as an option in the Reset Employee Portal Password area so that the Employee Name drop-down list can show either both active and inactive employees or just active ones.
  • On the Portal/MDT Settings screen, added None as an option for an employee type’s default TAA Portal job.
  • Added validation to prevent adding a job type with the same ID as an existing one (to prevent duplicates).
  • Added a Fill from GPS button to the Split Shift section of the Time Card edit screen, which fills in data from the selected row in the GPS Reference Data grid.
  • Fixed an issue with employee search and the department tree when the Export Time screen initially loaded.
  • Fixed a bug that was producing a runtime error when performing an export.
  • Fixed an issue with performing exports that was processing employee ID numbers and department ID numbers as the same type of entity.
  • For customers using the Pentamation and ADP exports, fixed an issue that wasn’t including inactive employees in the export even when the Include Inactive Employee check box was selected.
  • Improved the time performance when running the Audit report.
  • Fixed a bug that was rounding shifts a second time.
  • Fixed a bug that was applying a rounding rule that was set up for a different job type.
  • Fixed an issue with shifts going past midnight being split into two shifts.
  • Re-created a former feature that went away when the FTE grid was created – the FTE value being autofilled with the default value for the employee’s employee type.

To see a video of some of these new features, go to 2018.05 TAA Updates.

Route Builder

  • Fixed a bug that wasn’t showing the school in the School Serviced drop-down list for the tier, even though one was specified in the stops.
  • Fixed a bug with copied snapshots that would freeze the screen when users clicked Finish after trying to add stops to a tier.
  • Changed what happens after clicking Finish on each screen from closing the tree structure to keeping it open.
  • Fixed a bug introduced with a recent change that prevented parents from adding students in HCTB.

Here Comes the Bus

  • For parents of customers who use Route Builder, fixed a bug introduced with a recent change that prevented them from adding students in HCTB.
  • Fixed an issue with parent account creation.


  • Made our vehicles visible to Superion CAD users.
  • For customers with multiple vendors using our API, added the ability to give each a different API key so that if they cancel their contract with a vendor, they can cut off their API access.
  • Fixed an issue that was returning an error for the Get Last Position by ESN call.

Engine Diagnostics

  • Made the calculation of engine hours more accurate for heavy-duty vehicles with the v144 protocol by using the hour values from the engine, when possible.
  • Fixed Fault Code reports for faults reported by AIO devices.

Micronet A317 MDT

  • Fixed Fault Code reports for faults reported by AIO devices.