
  • Fixed a bug with the Input reports that returned no data, even though the same date ranges produced results in Vehicle History.
  • For users of the French version of Windows, fixed a bug with the Connect the Points feature in Vehicle History and with displaying the geofences on the Zones screen that was related to converting latitude and longitude values.
  • Fixed a bug with adding locations wherein the Pick Location dialog box would return only address results from the customer's area, even if the customer specifically inputted another city and state.
  • Fixed an issue with changing passwords and sending emails to newly created users.
  • Fixed the default zoom size when opening Fleet Tracking.

Comparative Analysis - Silverlining

  • For Trapeze customers, changed what is displayed in the Stop column on the PvA by Stop screen: It will now pull the stop from the Stop Description packet data.
  • For Trapeze SQL customers, added the capability to pull in waypoints.
  • Improved EveryInfo job services, making a single, shared path for the scripts and correcting various bugs.
  • For EDULOG SQL customers, disabled processing stops with sequence number 0, for itinerary packets.
  • For EDULOG.nt customers, fixed an issue that occurred with tiers with more than one school stop and if one had a deadhead flag – the tier stop wouldn't be triggered.
  • Added a new service property for disabling geocoding for imports.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented student data from being pulled into Silverlining.
  • Fixed an issue with imports that returned the error that the Stop table already existed in the database.
  • Fixed an issue with the default map size being too large on the Ridership tab of a Quick Search student result.
  • Fixed a bug with the HCTB Messaging feature that froze the screen when users tried to send a message.

Synovia Site (

  • Delayed the response of the accordion menu to display .5 seconds after hovering over it; before, users complained that it was too sensitive and would appear when they didn't want it to.
  • Changed the accordion menu to collapse a category after one of its screens is selected; before, it remained expanded.
  • Changed the response of an open accordion menu to a user press of the Esc button – before, it would close and never reopen, unless the page was refreshed. Now the menu ignores the Esc key press.
  • Added a Students tab to the Search results that will enable users to find student data, such as their school, bus route, and bus stop.
  • Fixed an issue for multiple screens that was allowing users with view-only rights to make changes.
  • Added Lamp Status and Source Address columns to the Fault Code Detail by Vehicle report.
  • Fixed a bug when running a report that broke the Send Report button.
  • Fixed an issue with reports sent via the Send Report button that wasn't showing the report name as the email subject line. (Instead, the subject read, "[object text].")
  • Fixed a bug with exporting reports to Excel that was displaying the time and date in an incorrect format.
  • Fixed a bug with exporting reports with charts to Excel that wasn't including the chart.
  • Fixed an issue with scheduled reports that wouldn't run if their scheduled time was at or after 00:00 GMT on Friday if Weekdays were specified, even though the local time was 7:00 p.m. (as the day was being read as Saturday).
  • Fixed a bug that was running scheduled reports an hour behind the time they were set for.
  • Fixed a bug that was preventing saving when trying to schedule a previously saved report.
  • Fixed a bug that produced an exception when opening a previously saved version of the Hardware Health by Primary Group report and saving it again.
  • Added the capability for the Mileage reports to list vehicles that have a distance traveled of zero, to help identify unused vehicles.
  • Fixed a bug with the Mileage reports that showed a much higher total number of miles for a month when running the Mileage Details Per Day report than in the Mileage Details report.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing the Vehicle Inspection report from being loaded.
  • Added color coding for zone categories, which customers can specify on the Zone Categories >> Edit Zone Category screen. When the zones are displayed on the map, they will appear in the color assigned to their zone category.
  • Added the Traffic Incidents layer to the map screens, but limited the map's zoom when incident icons are shown.
  • Fixed a bug that produced an exception when leaving a map screen and going to a screen without a map.
  • On the Fleet Tracking screen, changed the grid column header "Name" to "Vehicle."
  • Fixed a bug that prevented vehicles from being displayed if a user selected a group with a large number of vehicles on the Fleet Tracking screen.
  • Improved Watch Live functionality to update more consistently.
  • Fixed an issue with Watch Live on the Fleet Tracking screen that was dropping employee names from the grid, even though they had been displayed when not watching live.
  • Fixed an issue with Watch Live for a single vehicle on the Fleet Tracking screen that caused the grid to go over the screen edge after more events came in.
  • Fixed an issue with Watch Live for a single vehicle on the Fleet Tracking screen that gave the first event an incorrect number.
  • Previously, we added the ability to select a group of vehicles when mapping vehicle history but limited it if a user selects more than 10 vehicles to the history for only one day (to ensure optimal performance). Now, we changed the logic to enable users to run the history for such a group for a 24-hour time span – for example, if the user wants to run the history from 5 p.m. to 8 a.m.
  • On the Vehicle History screen, fixed a bug that displayed the direction arrows incorrectly when Connect the Points was turned on.
  • On the Vehicle History screen, fixed an issue that prevented exporting to PDF when Connect the Points was turned on.
  • On the Vehicle History screen, fixed a bug that displayed the message "No results found" after clicking Clear History.
  • Fixed a bug that produced an exception when the Use Boundary option was selected on the Vehicle History screen.
  • Fixed a bug that was producing the error "Cannot read property 'length' of undefined" on the Fleet Tracking screen and a similar error on the Vehicle History screen.
  • Fixed issues on multiple screens (including Fleet Tracking, Vehicle History, and Hardware) with exporting to Excel and PDF.
  • Fixed a bug when exporting to Excel and PDF on the Fleet Tracking and Vehicle History screens that was producing column headers that didn't match ("Vehicle" versus "Name").
  • For Chrome users, improved performance by reducing the number of requests made during screen loading.
  • For Internet Explorer 11 users, fixed a bug with the map screens in which the maps weren't being including in the exports to PDF.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing IE to open with a white screen only after login.
  • Fixed multiple user interface issues with Internet Explorer 11 (such as the accordion menu and toolbar icons missing, an extra scroll bar on the Map Nearby screen, boxes extending outside their dialog boxes, and not enough space allotted for fields).
  • Fixed user interface issues with Microsoft Edge (such as strange spacing on the Map Nearby screen and a displaced heading in the Find Location dialog box on the Vehicle History screen).
  • Fixed multiple user interface issues with Firefox (such as strange spacing on the Map Nearby screen, the Vehicle and Driver list extending off the screen on the Vehicle History screen, and dialog boxes going offscreen).
  • Fixed an issue on the Alert Admin screen in which the user would delete an alert but it would still exist.
  • Fixed a bug that was preventing users added via Bulk Load from being able to be assigned to a group.
  • Fixed a bug that produced an exception when trying to assign a user or location to a zone category.
  • Fixed a bug that produced an exception when checking or unchecking Ignore for RGC on the Edit Location screen's Geofence tab.
  • Fixed a bug that produced an exception when trying to select an image other than the default for a vehicle type on the Events tab of the Edit Vehicle Type screen.
  • Fixed an issue for RMAs that were initiated through the Hardware screen that wasn't sending the RMA emails to the user.
  • Added validation to prevent overlapping seasons (such as SpringSummerFall and Winter) from being created.
  • Fixed an issue on the Broadcast Message screen in which the user would delete a message but it wouldn't be removed.
  • Fixed the message displayed if a user tries to add an ESN via Bulk Load on the Inventory screen that is already in the system, which was about imports instead of ESNs.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented ESNs from being added via Bulk Load on the Inventory screen.
  • Fixed an issue with group assignments, making users who are assigned to a parent group able to see all that group's child groups.
  • Added inactive events to the Preferences >> Events list.

To see a video of some of these new features, go to 2017.11 Synovia Updates.

Comparative Analysis - Synovia Site

  • Fixed an issue that was producing duplicate tiers.
  • Fixed a bug that was preventing upload configuration files from being saved on the Import Results screen.
  • Added a Navigation screen to the PvA options, which will enable customers to troubleshoot Navigation before implementing it on their MDTs. On the new screen, users can plot tier data on the map, including the planned stops and planned navigation path with waypoints, and see the import and Nav polylines.
  • Added a Schools column to the PvA (Search Itineraries) screen.
  • Fixed a bug on the PvA by Stop map that wouldn't display a marker for a planned stop if it was at the same location of another stop (such as the AM/PM stops).
  • Fixed a bug on the Substitutions screen that showed incorrect start times for tiers if the Show At-Risk Routes Only check box was selected. (It displayed each tier as starting at midnight.)
  • Fixed a bug that was producing the error "Cannot read property 'getLatLng' of undefined" on the Route Monitor screen and the error "undefined is not an object" on the School Monitor screen.
  • For Firefox users, fixed a bug that was preventing scrolling in the School Monitor's school-selection box.
  • Fixed an issue when performing a search that wasn't returning itineraries or routes with the searched-for name, even though they exist.

To see a video of some of these new features, go to 2017.11 Comparative Analysis Synovia Updates.

Time and Attendance

  • Fixed a bug that was causing shifts that overlapped midnight to be split incorrectly.
  • Made it possible to edit the punch-in time on the Time Card screen even if the shift is still going on (and incomplete). Before, you couldn't update the punch-in time without also specifying a punch-out time, which wasn't possible to predict for a shift that hadn't been completed yet.
  • Added the ability to sort the GPS Reference Data grid on the Time Card edit screen chronologically by selecting the Log Time column header.
  • Fixed a bug on the Time Card edit screen that listed vehicles twice when Include Vehicle? was checked.
  • Fixed how TAA Portal login error messages are captured and made them be dismissed automatically, such as for not having portal access and not having an assigned default job type.
  • Fixed a bug on the TAA Portal's Review Current Work screen that was displaying only four days for the week instead of seven and no hour values on the left.
  • Fixed an issue with resetting a user's TAA Portal password.
  • Added the ability for employees to see their current, open shift on the TAA Portal's Review Current Work screen.
  • Added fleet names to the Mileage by Job Type report, to the right of the vehicle name. If the report is run with the Excel output type, you can sort by the FleetName column.
  • Fixed an issue with the Guaranteed vs. Actual Work (Day) report in which not all employees were being included, even if users specifically selected them all. Previously, it was showing only employees with shifts for the chosen date range and those with an FTE equal to 0%.
  • Fixed an issue with the Guaranteed Hours by Day export in which it wasn't displaying the new fields Rounded Punch In Time and Rounded Punch Out Time, added in last month's release.
  • Fixed an issue with exports that returned the error that employee X had to be assigned an employee type, despite the fact that the employee had been hired after the entered date range. Now, the employee type is required only as far back as the employee actually began work.

To see a video of some of these new features, go to 2017.11 TAA Updates.

Route Builder

  • Added validation to prevent a student stop from being saved as the school stop and no school stop being included in the tier.

Here Comes the Bus

  • Fixed a bug that prevented student data from being imported and appearing in Here Comes the Bus.
  • Improved the process for creating a student.
  • Removed the Student Scan option from the map legend if the account isn't a Student Ridership account.
  • Fixed a bug that made the contacts disappear from the My Contacts section of the My Account page after changing the password.


  • Added the IMEI (international mobile equipment identity) value to the results of an s0003 (Get Vehicle) call so that customers don't have to export to Excel to obtain the IMEI of the mobile assigned to a vehicle.

Engine Diagnostics

  • Changed the way light-duty fault codes are recorded; using the previous logic, they wouldn't be recorded a second time when necessary.
  • Fixed how we are parsing lamp status values for fault codes from heavy-duty vehicles.

Micronet A317 MDT

  • Fixed a bug that was delaying messages sent from dispatch to the MDTs (sometimes until the next morning).
  • Added the ability for customers to troubleshoot Navigation before implementing it on their MDTs – a new Navigation screen as part of the PvA options. On the new screen, users can plot tier data on the map, including the planned stops and planned navigation path with waypoints, and see the import and Nav polylines.