If you are clocked in with one job type and need to transfer to another, you can do so using the Time and Attendance (TAA) Portal (https://portal.synovia.com), which is included with the TAA module.

Note: For details about the TAA Portal user interface, see Navigating the TAA Portal. For information about the TAA module, see An Introduction to Time and Attendance and Navigating the Time and Attendance Module.

To transfer between jobs (after you are logged in with the first job type), follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to https://portal.synovia.com.
    The TAA Portal will appear with the Clock-In tab selected by default.
  2. Type your login ID in the Login ID field. (Usually, your login ID is the same as your employee ID.)
  3. Type your CalAmp K-12 account number in the Account Number field.
  4. Optionally, you can check Remember Me to have your account number saved.
  5. Click Choose Job Type.
  6. Click Scan.

    You will be presented with the time you clocked in with the first job, and below that will be the various job types available to you.
  7. Click the job type you are transferring to.
    The Info Clock In-Out dialog box will appear and display your transfer clock-in time and the job type you transferred to.
  8. Click OK.
    Note: If you don't click OK, the dialog box will time out and close on its own.