- Moved map functionality from Telogis to ALK, a map provider that has more accurate streets, is updated more frequently, renders faster, and has better posted speed limit data for larger streets.
- Fixed a bug with creating boundary reports in which Silverlining asked the user to leave the page twice.
- Fixed the controls for boundary report maps.
- For boundary reports, changed the scale of the minimap to make it more usable.
- Updated the Input Monitor to use new ALK methods.
- Added two new sets of inputs for a sweeper unit to the Input Monitor: water on/off and sweeping or brushes on/off.
- Removed the map layer option True Current Satellite.
- Fixed a bug in the map screens' Current Lat/Lon box in which the address and speed weren't appearing.
- Moved the scale on the map screens to the bottom right, moved the advanced pan control to the top left, and made the control smaller.
- Fixed a bug with the Find Location dialog box in which no addresses were found or returned when using the Select by Address tab.
- For Vehicle History, removed the red triangles from the Connect the Points path.
To see a video about the new ALK map, go to 2017.10 Silverlining Updates.
Comparative Analysis - Silverlining
- Moved map functionality from Telogis to ALK for the CA map screens as well.
- Improved the RIC setup process so that the RIC service name could be changed during installation and multiple services can be installed on a server.
- Fixed the tooltips on the Import Results top-right buttons, which were showing "Uninitialized."
- For EDULOG SQL customers, fixed an issue that was pulling in only the transportation students in the import.
- For EDULOG customers, added a new process to handle copy failures to make sure that they're logged and show a status of Client Failed.
Synovia Site (
- Fixed a bug that was preventing SSO (single sign-on) from working.
- In Fleet Tracking, added seconds to the Time column.
- Fixed a bug in Fleet Tracking that wasn't displaying zone names as tooltips when you hovered over them.
- Fixed a bug that was producing an error when trying to refresh the Fleet Tracking screen.
- Fixed bugs with Watch Live.
- For Watch Live, changed the map to follow the vehicle, centering and autozooming on the most current event – unless the user has interacted with the map. If the user pans/zooms the map, we will assume that they want to watch that location and will not autozoom or recenter until the user clicks on the Center Map button.
- Removed the View Options button from map screens and replaced it with a vertical slider the user can drag left and right to customize how much screen real estate they want the map to take.
- Standardized resizing on all map screens (with the vertical slider), even for ones that previously had map size limits, such as Map Nearby and the School, Route, and Yard Monitors.
- Fixed a difficulty with the map screen's vertical slider being click-and-draggable back to the right if it was dragged all the way left.
- Fixed a bug with the map screens that wasn't turning off autocentering even if the user zoomed in or out on a location.
- Fixed issues with WMS layers being displayed on the map.
- Removed the standard Weather Satellite layer option from the map screens.
- Fixed a bug with right-clicking a vehicle and selecting Map Vehicle History that didn't align the map and Events list correctly.
- For Vehicle History, added arrows to the Connect the Points path that indicate which direction the vehicle was traveling along the way.
- For IE 11 users, fixed a bug that produced an error when selecting Connect the Points on the Vehicle History screen.
- Updated the UI of the Vehicle History screen: moved the options off their own tab to below a drop-down list (that lets you choose Vehicles, for the group tree, or Drivers, for the department/drivers tree) and button that opens the trees, moved the date options below the Events list, and changed the grid to be only on the right below the map (not the entire width of the screen). Also, fixed the display of the slider and made the placement of the Map History and Clear History buttons static.
- For Vehicle History, added a message if no results are found when the user clicks Map History that says, "No results found."
- Changed the Vehicle History screen to autoscroll the grid to the associated row if an icon is clicked on the map.
- Fixed a bug with the Use Boundary option on the Vehicle History screen that wasn't allowing a new boundary to be drawn without reloading the screen.
- Fixed a bug when using Search on the Vehicle History screen that produced an error.
- Fixed issues when exporting the Vehicle History screen to PDF or XLS: added the notification that the Excel file is being processed and fixed a bug that kept displaying the Loading icon, even after the PDF was finished.
- For users who utilize a screen resolution of 1024 x 768, fixed layout issues with the Map Nearby screen.
- Removed the old Stop Watching button from the Map Nearby screen.
- Added the ability for system administrators to set each user's default startup screen on the Edit User screen.
- Fixed a bug with bulk loading users that was caused by the software not accepting customer-created roles.
- Fixed a bug when adding or editing a vehicle that returned errors and kept pulling up the loading icon.
- Fixed the font in the Retire Vehicle confirmation dialog box.
- Added retired vehicles and a View History option to the Search results so that history can be mapped for vehicles that have been retired.
- Fixed a bug on the add/Edit Vehicle Type screen's Events tab that wasn't displaying the event images in the drop-down list correctly (and wouldn't show the bottom of the list).
- For screens with grids, added a visual indicator that shows if a column has a filter set by the user – a darker version of the same filter icon.
- Fixed the alignment of screen icons and titles.
- Fixed a bug that was returning an error when trying to run the Speeding Summary by Group and Speeding Summary by Primary Group reports.
- For IE 11, Edge, and Firefox users, fixed a bug that wasn't wrapping names of reports to the second line as whole words.
- Turned off multicolumn sorting in reports, as this doesn't work well in Izenda.
- On the Edit Location screen, fixed the View Fullscreen button on the Geofence tab. (The square wasn't centered in the blue circle.)
- For locations with Ignore for RGC selected, fixed a bug that wasn't showing that checked on the Edit Location screen's Geofence tab.
- Fixed a bug on multiple screens that was showing the coded label in dialog boxes rather than the human-friendly labels when users first visited a screen.
- Changed the reset password procedure to avoid characters that are easily confused for other characters, such as L and 1.
To see a video of some of these new features, go to 2017.10 Synovia Updates.
Comparative Analysis - Synovia Site
- Fixed a bug on Import Results' Import Details screen that was showing the Start and End Times' dates in the wrong format.
- Fixed a bug on the Import Details screen's Details tab that was extended the Packet Details grid past the right edge of the screen when clicking a location packet.
- Fixed a bug that was changing the bell times to Eastern Time after the user saved them (even though they are in a different time zone).
- Fixed an issue with the Route Monitor screen that would keep displaying the Connect the Points path even after the user clicked the Clear Selection button.
- Restored Tier as a column in the lower grid of the School Monitor, which was lost for some customers after the last release.
- Fixed an issue with the Yard Monitor that was displaying duplicate yards in the yard-selection dialog box.
- Made UI changes to the Planned vs. Actual by Stop screen: removed the "Options" label and View Options button, changed the screen to load with the routes of the selected itinerary expanded, added a vertical slider between the options and map, widened the grid to the full width of the screen, and changed the Actual grid to be a lighter red.
- On the Substitutions screen, changed when at-risk tiers are highlighted: Now, when the end time of the tier is reached, it will no longer be highlighted.
- Added Vehicle and Last Update Time columns to the Search results for Itinerary and Route, a Watch Live option, and the vehicle assigned to the itinerary.
Time and Attendance
- Added the ability to use any column in the import when importing employee data for the punch ID, as long as Punch ID Is the Same As Employee ID? isn't selected on the Map Fields tab of the Import Employees screen.
- Added an option to the Employee Settings tab of the Portal/MDT Settings screen – Which ID to Use for Portal Login – which enables the user to specify either the employee ID or the punch ID to be used for the TAA Portal.
- Added a warning for Generic exports if the user tries to perform an export but the configuration isn't complete (such as employee types not being set up).
- Fixed a bug when assigning employee IDs that assigned it to the first employee in the list.
- Fixed a bug that prevented employee data from being saved after being edited and produced a "Duplicate data found" error.
- Fixed an issue with the All Privileges group – it was missing some of the privileges.
- Added an Allow Trip ID check box column to the TAA Admin >> Job Types screen. By default, this isn't selected. If the customer does select it for specific job types, drivers who log in on the MDT with those job types will have to enter a trip ID as well.
- Fixed a bug that produced an error when trying to save pay rates for a single employee.
- Updated the error messages that appear on the Pay Rates screen to be more informative.
- Fixed a bug that was allowing jobs that weren't selected under Allowed Portal Types or for Default Portal Job to still appear in the TAA Portal and to be logged in as.
- Fixed a bug with the Select Report filter that caused it to appear over any error message on the Reports screen.
- Fixed an issue with using the Multi-Employee option on the Pay Rates screen that was saving the rate for other job types as well.
- Changed the name of the Export Time tab Approve History to "Approval History," to make it clearer that this feature isn't for approving anything but for viewing the history of time approval.
- Fixed a bug that displayed duplicate job types when creating shifts in the Add Shift Job Type drop-down list.
- Fixed a bug in the results of a Shift Exceptions search that left the Vehicle column empty.
- Added three new options to the Fields drop-down list of Export Time's Field Mappings tab: Rounded Punch In Time, Rounded Punch Out Time, and Rounded Decimal Time. This will give the customer the choice of using the actual punch-in time or the rounded time, given their setup rounding rules.
To see a video of some of these new features, go to 2017.10 TAA Updates.
Route Builder
- Added the ability to do student bulk loads for customers using Route Builder.
Here Comes the Bus
- Changed the reset password procedure to avoid characters that are easily confused for other characters, such as L and 1.
- Fixed a bug that was returning an error when trying to change a password after it was reset.
- Updated email templates to direct customers to the Here Comes the Bus Knowledge Base (
- Moved map functionality from Telogis to ALK.
- Added an API call so that customers can see all the values we parse out of v144 when they request mobile engine data.
- Added a Get Vehicle Position API call that doesn't require vehicle_id to be used by third-party applications.
Engine Diagnostics
- Added support for jPOD2 for the LMU-4230 and for the 4230's new format for heavy-duty J1939 engine data.
Micronet A317 MDT
- Added the ability for drivers to populate the Enter Employee ID text box with a bar code scan.
- Added functionality for entering a trip ID when logging in (if the new Allow Trip ID check box has been selected for the job type on the TAA Admin >> Job Types screen).
- Fixed a bug that caused the Hours Summary message to malfunction if an absence or holiday was entered for the week.
- Rolled out French and Spanish translations for the MDT.
- Changed the Enable Nav Audio Alerts check box to keep its value even after the device is powered off and back on.
- Added an automatic movement setting that will switch to the Select Students screen when the vehicle comes to a complete stop at a student pickup/drop-off location. After the vehicle starts moving, the MDT will return to the previous screen.