Improved the capability to calculate fuel economy.
Changed the Work Monitor so that it will show only employees who logged in during the customer's current time window.
Fixed a bug that showed the MDT setting Enable Navigation at Vehicle Level even if the customers didn't have MDTs.
For the reports Yard Daily Details by Vehicle and Zone Daily Summary by Vehicle, added the ability for the customer to choose entry time OR exit time when specifying a time span. Previously, if you specified a time range for these, Zone Daily Summary by Vehicle ran based on the entry time, and Yard Daily Details by Vehicle by exit time.
Fixed a bug that presented an error message when customers tried to map nearby a specific address.
Added a new feature when determining posted speeding violations. Synovia will compare the street name of the current location against the street name of the previous location. If the street name is different, we will not check for posted speeding violations. This will help avoid false positives that occur due to GPS drift or the vehicle traveling through an intersection.
New Synovia Site (
Added the ability for customers to schedule reports.
Added sorting on multiple columns in the grids for Fleet Tracking, Vehicle History, Hardware, and Map Nearby.
Added a message to the login screen about agreeing to Synovia's terms and conditions when logging in to the site.
Added a separate Time column to the reports and based sorts by time by date first.
Fixed an issue that prevented edits to vehicles from being stored in the database.
Fixed an issue that caused the Hardware Health by Vehicle report to be opened with an error if it was opened from the Hardware Health by Primary Group report.
Fixed an issue when editing zones that removed the zone instead of allowing it to be edited.
Updated the Reset Password email template to include the new software's URL and other data, as opposed to the legacy software's. Also added a message telling the user that their password has been reset.
Added the ability to view, create, and send out broadcast messages – plus view a history of when they've been seen by users.
Fixed issues with the map loading when watching vehicles live.
Improved map performance by adding clustering.
Added alerts, plus alerts reports, and fixed issues with their implementation.
Fixed issues with editing locations.
Fixed an issue that truncated some text in PDF exports.
Fixed an issue that displayed the wrong date and time in PDF exports.
Fixed a bug that displayed an error screen when trying to export the Vehicle History screen to a PDF.
Fixed an issue when opening the vehicle history from the Stop Daily Summary report that prevented it from inheriting the date range and vehicle number data.
Resolved an issue with Izenda that displayed an error when trying to open child reports from the parent reports.
Added a map legend that shows the active events for a customer and which icons represent those events.
Added a Watch Live indicator so that the customers can see if they are watching their vehicles live on the map screens – the Stop Watching button, which also exits Watch Live mode.
Fixed an issue with the Users screen failing to open when using Internet Explorer.
Optimized the procedure for bulk loading inventory to fit the new software, such as specifying the primary group.
Fixed an issue that prevented edits to zone speed rules from being saved (which left the user on the Edit screen even after clicking Save instead of returning them to the Zone Speed Rules screen).
Added the ability to drag a horizontal splitter between the grid and map to resize their respective areas.
Fixed a bug that displayed only vehicles that were in the yard when Not in Yard was selected, as opposed to those that weren't in the yard.
Added an Ignore for RGC (reverse geocoding) option when creating a new location.
Added the ability to indicate which group is the vehicle's primary group on the Groups tab of the Edit Vehicle screen (under System Administration >> Vehicles).
Fixed text fitting on a number of screens and fields.
Fixed a bug on the Hardware screen of canceled options still being selected.
Fixed a bug on the Hardware screen that prevented the Replace Unit dialog box from appearing.
Added the seconds value to the Time column on the Vehicle History screen.
Updated logic to allow for deleted users to be added back to the system.
Fixed an issue that displayed the wrong number of users on the Zone Categories screen.
Fixed a bug that selected extra check boxes when checking one on the Assign Vehicles screen of System Administration >> Groups.
Fixed a bug that prevented Map Nearby from working.
Added official support for Firefox.
For information about the site, please go to
Comparative Analysis
Updated each CA import client to bring in the stop order and store it in the day's snapshot.
Added unit testing to the server-side import, which will quicken performance investigations and other changes (as we no longer have to run a full import cycle to test these).
Created a workaround for the BusPlanner issue of not importing deadhead turn-by-turn directions.
Fixed an issue with processing operator IDs for EDULOG SQL customers.
Optimized waypoint processing performance.
Added logic to allow Versatrans customers to use a local path (such as D:\Data) for self testing.
Fixed an issue with the common library build.
Fixed a bug that prevented student boarding card information from being imported from the routing data.
Time and Attendance
Added employee import settings for Sartox punch IDs and employee IDs that will store 9-digit employee IDs, trim punch IDs to 8 digits, and export the 9-digit employee ID. Also added a Trim Punch ID Field Symbols option to the Import Settings tab of the Import/Export >> Import Employees screen.
Made the grid on the Import/Export >> Employee FTE screen sortable by the Start Date column.
Route Builder
Added a Bulk Add Stops button to the Stops panel, which will appear above the map. The button will add all the stops that appeared on the map as stops in the Stops list.
Fixed a bug in the Stops panel that displayed the wrong stop date when no stops were pulled from the day's data and the customer manually added a stop.
Fixed a bug in the Stops panel when adding the first stop by clicking a map event icon that displayed "Uninitialized" for the labels.
Changed the name of the Snapshots screen to "Route Builder."
Micronet A317 MDT
Fixed a screen refresh issue when connecting a scanner that blanked the maps in Navigation.