This article describes the various features of the Users screen, which you access by clicking >> Users.
Note: For information about the banner at the top and accordion menu on the left, see Navigating the Synovia Site.
Note: By default, the software includes a Synovia Support user (shown at the top of the preceding figure). Make sure that you never delete this user because we use it to help you with your system whenever you request it.
These are the options along the top right of the screen:
: Begins the process of adding an individual user to your Synovia account. (See Adding a User for details.)
: Refreshes the data on the screen (which can be especially useful if other users are making changes).
: Resets the selected user's password. (See Resetting a User's Password for details.)
: These toggle between displaying all the users in the list, including those who do not have access to your Synovia information (Show Inactive Users) and preventing users without access from being seen (Hide Inactive Users).
: Removes the selected user from the system. (See Deleting a User for details.)
: Begins the process of adding multiple users to your Synovia account. (See Bulk Loading Users for details.)
Note: If the bulk loading procedure seems complicated, we recommend contacting your Synovia project manager or fleet advisor for assistance.: Saves the data as a PDF you can print.
: Exports the grid data to an Excel spreadsheet.
Here is an explanation of the grid icon and column headers:
: Opens the Edit User screen, on which you can modify the user's profile. (See Updating a User's Profile for details.)
- Name: The user's first and last name.
- Email: The email address they use to access Synovia.
- Last Login: The most recent day and time the user logged in to Synovia.
- Active: If this check box is selected, the user has access to your Synovia data.
- Groups: The number of groups the user is assigned to and can therefore see on the map screens, for example.
- Roles: The number of roles the user is designated as, which determine their privileges — the screens they can change and view and the reports they can run.
- Last Modified By: The user who last made a change to this user's profile.
- Last Modified Date: The date and time of that last change.
Along the bottom of the screen are icons that enable you to navigate through the pages of data. See Paging Options for an explanation of these.