Users who are assigned to a group can view its vehicles throughout the Synovia website. To add users to a group, follow these steps:

  1. Click  >> Groups.
  2. Click  to the left of the group name.
    Note: If the group is a child group, to access it in the grid, you may need to click  to expand the parent group.
    The Assign Users screen will appear.
    Note: By default, whoever created the group will be one of the group's users.
  3. In the Out of Group list, click the check box(es) to the left of the username(s) you want to assign to the group.
  4. Click .
    The users you selected will appear in the In Group list.
    Note: If you need to remove users you added, select their check boxes in the In Group list and click .
  5. Click  at the top right of the screen.