Groups are the basic organizational units of your overall fleet (what were called fleets in the legacy website). All your vehicles should belong to at least one group.
Note: The new site has added the capability to add vehicles to more than one group. For example, say your fleet services assisted-living facilities, and each vehicle's primary group is named for the housing complex they are assigned to. You may want to create an additional group that includes only vehicles that are both wheelchair accessible and air conditioned.
This article describes the various features of the Groups screen, which you access by clicking >> Groups.
Note: For information about the banner at the top and accordion menu on the left, see Navigating the Synovia Site.
These are the options at the top right of the screen:
: Begins the process of creating a new group. (See Adding a Group for details.)
: Refreshes the data on the screen (which can be especially useful if other users are making changes to your organization's groups).
: Deletes a group. (See Deleting a Group for details.)
: Saves the Groups data as a PDF you can print.
: Exports the grid data to an Excel spreadsheet.
Here is an explanation of the grid options and column headers:
: Opens the Edit Group screen, on which you can modify the group's properties. (See Changing a Group's Properties for details.)
: Opens the Assign Vehicles screen, on which you can add or remove vehicles and change whether the group is a vehicle's primary group. (See Adding Vehicles to a Group and Removing Vehicles from a Group.)
: Opens the Assign Users screen, on which you can add or remove users who can view the group's vehicles. (See Adding Users to a Group and Removing Users from a Group.)
: If a group has a subgroup, you can expand it by clicking this caret.
- Name: The name of the group.
- # Vehicles: The number of vehicles in the group.
- # Users: The number of users assigned to the group (who can therefore see the group's vehicles).
- Last Modified By: The user who last made a change to the group, such as updating the group's properties, adding a vehicle, or adding a user.
- Last Modified Date: The date and time of that last change.
If you have more than one page of data in the Groups grid, there will be icons along the bottom of the screen that enable you to navigate through the pages. See Paging Options for an explanation of these.