To map the route a driver has taken over a given period of time, follow these steps:
- Click
>> Vehicle History.
- Click the Options drop-down arrow.
- Click the Driver radio button.
- Type the driver's name (or part of it) in the Enter Driver Name field.
Matching names will appear in a drop-down list.
- Select the driver from the list.
Note: Alternatively, you can click, expand the employee department the driver(s) is in, and click their check box to select them, or map the entire department's history by selecting its check box. Then click Close to exit the Drivers tree.
- Repeat steps 4 to 5 as necessary to map the history for multiple drivers.
Note: If your selections will end up mapping more than 10 vehicles, you will only be able to plot the history for a 24-hour period.
By default, all vehicle events will be selected.
- Optionally, to choose just a few events, click Choose Events, and in the Select Events dialog box, follow these steps:
- Click Include All Events to deselect it.
- Select just the events you want to map.
- Click Close.
- Click Include All Events to deselect it.
- Select the date range that the history will display by specifying start and end dates on the By Date tab. You can also specify a time span, such as between 7:00 and 9:00 a.m., on the By Time Span tab.
Caution: Remember, if your driver selections include more than 10 vehicles, you will only be able to map 24 hours of activity (at most). - Optionally, you can specify a speed range in the Speed Options area by selecting Over and/or Under and entering the miles per hour values.
Note: This is useful if you've had speeding complaints about a driver and want to see if and when speeding has occurred. - Optionally, you can select Connect the Points in the History Options area for a feature that draws a line between each point on the map.
- Click Plot History.
The events for the time period you selected will appear on the map, and the data for the events will appear in the grid below the map, listed in chronological order. See Tracking a Vehicle for a description of the grid's column headers.
At the bottom of the map, you will see a panel with play/pause options and a slider.
To watch the events one by one, click . The Vehicle History screen will move from event to event, in order, on the map.
To pause the playback, click . You can click
to return to the first event in the displayed history and
to move to the last one.
You can click the slider bar to progress forward or backward quickly. (Don't click and drag the slider handle; click before or after it on the bar itself.)