

  • Added a Scheduled? column to the Report Usage by User report, with values Y if the report is scheduled and N if it isn’t.

 Comparative Analysis


  • Implemented boarding card logic for EDULOG.nt customers.


Time and Attendance


  • Fixed a bug that caused duplicate job types to be displayed in the Contract Job Types drop-down list on the Admin >> Employee Types screen >> Employee Type Hours tab.
  • Sped up the response time for Shift Exception queries that either took too long or were timing out completely.
  • For USPS customers, added the ability to store the Job Code and Job Number reference by employee, if the customer needs to export both (and not just the job code).
  • Fixed a bug that caused absences outside the specified date range to appear on the Standard Time Card and Time Sheet reports. 

 Route Builder


  • Fixed a bug that prevented users from seeing an itinerary’s details on the Route Builder screen if the vehicle associated with that itinerary was deleted.
  • Fixed a bug when using the Search feature that caused the assigned student to be removed from the Assigned Students list when the search was cleared.
  • Fixed a bug when using the Search feature that caused duplicate assigned students.
  • Fixed a bug that caused schools to not appear in the School Monitor.


Here Comes the Bus


  • Fixed a bug that caused stops to be missing for some Transfinder customers.
  • Added a student ID property for linking a student that defaults to the import district ID but can be modified if needed.

Micronet A317 MDT

  • Switched to using Android location services to determine when a vehicle has arrived at a stop when in Navigation mode.
  • Changed the order on the Review Completed Inspections screen so that the most recent inspection is at the top of the list.
  • Added the stop arm violation button to the stop screens. (Currently, it is on the Home screen and Select Students screen.)
  • Fixed a bug that caused students to not be removed from the Passengers On Board list if they scanned on the bus with their IDs and the driver scanned them off manually (or if the driver scanned them on and they scanned off with their IDs).
  • Added the deadhead part of a route (when no passengers are on the vehicle) back in for Turn-by-Turn Navigation.
  • Fixed a bug that caused inspections with zero reported defects to be blank (or to display another inspection altogether).
  • Fixed a bug that caused driver messages that were just a number to be changed to the canned message associated with that number. For example, if dispatch asked how many students remained on the bus and the driver responded “9,” the message sent back wouldn’t be “9”; it would be the canned message associated with 9, which is “I have been involved in an accident; property damage only.”